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~knock knock~

I immediately sat up.

'Did I fall asleep?' I thought to myself.

"Ashton? Are you there?" A voice from outside asked.

I wiped off the drool I had on the corners of my mouth and re-did my ponytail.

I got up and opened the door.

"Changbin?" I questioned when I saw him in front of my door, my eyes still half closed.

"Can i ask you something? In your room? Alone?" He asked me as he pointed towards my room.

"Um...sure, why not" I answered as I let him come inside.

"So...what is it that you needed to ask me?"

"How do you know if a girl really likes you?" He blurted our with a desperate look on his face.

"Excuse me, what?" I confusingly ask as I my eyebrow furrowed.

"Let me rephrase that. I have this girl that I've been going out with for some time, and she knows I like her, she said she liked me too, but how do I know she means it?" He asked.

"And your asking me this why?" I pondered, my eyebrows not being able to rise up normally.

"Look. I like Tzuyu. We've gone out for a long time now. I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend because I don't know if she truly likes me back. And I can't ask my members because they don't think it'd be a good idea to be with her, for some reason." He explained himself as he dramatically dropped himself into my bed.

"Tzuyu from...Twice?"

He nodded.

"Look, dude. I...i don't know how to answer that. I don't think I, am the right person to ask." I truthfully told him while painting at myself.

"Well...how do YOU act around your crush?" He asked as he comfortably placed himself on my bed.

"I don't usually have crushes, or talk to the- ACTUALLY, I did have this one crush. Back in high school. I tried talking to him once, it didn't go as planned. He embarrassed me in front of the whole school. He didn't even know I liked him. But, I didn't act any differently when I went up to him, I spoke like i normally would, and behaved the same."  I hated remembering that time. I hated him after for that.

"What do you mean normally?" He questioned.

"I mean, like I'm talking to you right now. I don't change my way of speaking or anything. I talked to him like I talk to anybody else." I told him while rubbing my eyes trying to take away the sleepiness.

"Oh..." he responded, looking down, with a devastated look.

"If it helps. I had this one girl who asked me out in middle school. She would constantly hold my hand, hug me, be very affectionate. Of course, I thought it was just cause she was just very affectionate with people, until she told me she liked me." That was a very special point in my life. I know, I'm straight, but having someone confess to you like that is very sweet. I've never had anyone confess to me, only her.

"What did you say after she told you?" He asked me.

"Ha...I kind of...ran away?" I mumbled while looking down laughing at myself.

"WHAT?!" He shouted, clearly surprised.

"Yeah...I didn't know what to do. I was a shy kid. She was the first to ever do that so I freaked out and ran..." I said while rubbing my nape and sheepishly smiling

Word is Bond♠︎Seo Changbin  Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang