10 2 2

3:57 AM
Let me repeat that...3, 57, in the morning.

We came back at around 12:00am. They are ALL asleep. I'm the only one fully awake...

I've been staring at this ceiling for almost 4 hours now. I have to be at my appointment at 7 in the morning.

But of course, my brain won't let me rest. I'd put music on, but i don't want to wake the others up, and my earphones are on the other side of my room, and I am not about to offer my feet to the demon under my bed, no sir, not today.

I sit up from the position I've been laying on for the past 4 hours. I look out the window, it's still really dark, only source of light illuminating my room is my red night light, and the moon shining brighter then Rihana's diamonds.

'Screw it, who cares if I get dragged by satan himself from under my bed. I'm bored, and i need to do something!' I think to myself as I push my covers to the side, and stretch my arm.

I slowly twist my body to face the side of my bed. I gently put my feet down onto the ground and fully stand up.

I put on my adidas slides and walk to the door.

I open it, very, Very, gently so I won't make a noise. I get my earphones first and then I step out, and, again, gently close it.

I walk through the dark halls of my house. Although, it is mine, and I decorated it myself, I still get scared by how it looks.

I reach the kitchen and open the fridge, only to find that it was empty, and by that, I mean no snacks, only vegetables and condiments.

I go to my pantry and find a bag of goldfish. I take them and head straights towards my backyard.

When I reach my backyard, I sit on my hammock that's tied between my large tree and a branch from my neighbors large tree.

I look up at the stars and see the same 2 stars that I always see. The same position, same size, same brightness, different night.

I stare at them as I stuff a handful of goldfish in my mouth, getting a few crumbs on my black sweatshirt.

I decide to listen to music. I put my earphones on an connect them to my phone. I go to my calming playlist and press play. The Moon song starts playing.

I slowly started humming to it, but ended up singing it.

The chorus came on Andy body felt as if it were floating. My eyes were closed and the fresh breeze was hitting my face. It felt so relaxing, until....


I jumped. Someone just tapped my shoulder.

I slowly opened my eyes to see a pair of dark beautifully slanted eyes staring down at me with a soft confused glare.

I quickly sat up dusting the crumbs of my chest, only to realize that it was Changbin. I paused my music and took my earphones off, so I can give him my full attention.

"I...sorry to, um, to scare you, it's just that I...heard you, uh, singing from the window."
He stuttered.

"Oh, I'm...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I said while looking down.

"You didn't, I just... I couldn't sleep, ha." He lightly chuckles.

"Yeah, me either, that why I'm out here..." I say as I slowly look up at him giving him an awkward grin.

"Mind if I...sit" he gestured toward the hammock.

"Oh, not at all" I tell him while scooting over over so he can sit as well.

There was an awkward silence... well, kind of relaxing if you ignored the tension and only focused on the quite humming of the trees as they swayed back and forth by the wind.

"So... what song were you singing to?" He broke the silence.

"The Moon song, by...I don't know how to say her name without sounding stupid, ha." I day awkwardly as I look at him

"Can you play it?" He asked shyly as he looked at me with a soft gaze and a crooked smile.

I looked away quickly, "Sure"

The song played again, this time without the earphones, starting from the beginning.

Again, I started singing to it softly. Getting lost in my own little world, looking up at those two stars that always seem to follow me wherever I go...

I listen closely to her voice. It sounds so soothing, so blue. Yes, it reminds me of the color blue. It isn't high pitched at all. Kind of like Lana del Rey, or Billie Eilish.

It's silly comparing her to other singers though. Her voice is unique. It's like if I were in a meadow, filled with beautiful sunflowers. Fresh air hitting me from ever direction. It weirdly reminds me of a vintage aesthetic.

Indie pop.

She so weird.

One minute she listens to men screaming in her ear, the next, she listens to a  girl almost whispering a lullaby so she can peacefully sleep.

Without even realizing it, i start to drift off into a comfortable sleep....

*Authors note*

Hahahahaha, you ya been.

I've been tired, thanks for asking.

So, I haven't updated in a long time, if you haven't noticed. But I had time today, so I decided to use it on this...

I'm sorry for not doing so...

teehee, bYe bYe😀

Word is Bond♠︎Seo Changbin  Where stories live. Discover now