Chapter 1

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A farm outside of Fortress village in the mountains, had smoke piercing the night sky. The villagers all rushed to the affected farm all in hopes to help eliminate the flames.

The fire was spreading outwardly to a near by forest and the whole area was now a bright orange light. Most of the villagers carried buckets of water to switch it off, but their efforts bore no fruits. "Do you think they made it out?" One of the villagers asked, while the others mumbled amongst themselves.

"Mummy, look at the top of the silo." Said a ten year old child, who was in their pyjamas. The entire crowd gasped, as they saw the farmer's wife who was carrying their new born baby standing on it. Some the flames were slowly moving towards it in every angle.

This caused the flame removal task to hasten. The men began to connect pipes towards the village to make the water more accessible. The women broke branches from green trees to use as well. "Where are the heroes I see on TV?" Said a child who was watching the event unfold.

In a forest of a nearby mountain, a young man sat on a rock and watched the proceedings. He had a slight smirk on his oval shaped face as he watched the villagers work in vain.

He wore a blank white t-shirt with a black unzipped jacket over it. "Try all you want, but they will still die." He laughed as he saw the villagers work so hard. "At the least you will know my pain." He added before he looked at his hand.

The fire quickly approached the base of the silo and it started burning away the wooden stands. After a few moments the silo started to wobble. Some people covered their eyes, while others watched in hopelessness. The mother who was trapped was terrified not just for her, but also for the little one crying in her arms. "Grandpa, look over there." Said a boy who spotted fire trucks coming up the mountain to the village.

When they arrived, the firefighters quickly got to work dispelling the humongous flames. Even with their efforts they were too late to save the mother and the baby. At that time the silo collapsed and caused the victims to plumit to their deaths. Before a single flame touched them, something swooped down from the sky and lifted them away from danger.

"It's a hero." Said a child in alot of joy. The villagers all cheered at this person's act of heroics. He landed gently next to an ambulance and neatly placed the mother and her child on the stretcher.

The crowd of people behind him began to cheer for him. "Thank you young man." Said one of the women. The others simply clapped their hands and whistled.

"Thank you brave hero. I will remember this for the rest of my life." The woman said with tears of joy forming around her eyes. Although her clothes looked darker than the normal colour,  she was apparently fine. The baby was as well, but they still needed medical attention.

"No problem. Just doing what heroes do best and that's saving the day." The young boy said, as he took off into the sky, disappearing in it's darkness. The woman smiled as she watched her hero fly away.

"I think I'll name my son Hero, so that I will never forget this day." The mother said gently as she watched her son being loaded into an ambulance.

"Dammit! That hero screwed up my entertainment. I won't forget this you wretch. I will find you and make you never forget the name Blaze." Said the young man as he melted a stone clutched onto his hand. Flames soon erupted from his hand, while an orange liquid leaked from his hand to the ground below.

Thirty minutes later the boy arrived at his new home in Manzini city. When he got into the house, he slowly but quietly closed the door behind him. "And where might you be coming from Lindo P. Mamba?" Asked his father Alex who didn't look pleased at all.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please comment and tell me what you think of it or vote if you loved it.

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