But I am Me

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But I am me

If only

I was popular enough to catch your eye

If only

I was pretty enough to get a man like you

But I am me

Not a cheerleader, not a nerd, not a stoner, not a jock

I ain't no girly girl nor a plastic

I ain't no real or no faker

But I am me

Someone like me doesn't trust

Someone like me doesn't love

Someone like me only hates

Someone like me is always angry

Angry at anything

Stupid things

Little things

But I am me

I am always alone

I am lonely, even when around people

I will never be loved until I learn to love

And sadly someone will love him and it wouldn't be me

Someone in this world will love him when I can't

Someone in the world will be his wife and a shoulder to cry on when he needs

But it wouldn't be me

It will never be me

Because I am me

Sometimes to help others is to leave even when they ask you to stay


As you might be thinking, no this is NOT about an ex boyfriend this is about a boy that I liked in when was in eight grade (it's summer now). We talk and all but everyone says that he looks like a fish and his nose is too big. I slammed my "friend" into a locker after she said that. oops.

(I never had a boyfriend, I feel like I'm too young. I'm only in 9th grade.)

Anyway I hoped you liked it if not please don't write anything bad. It might look like it doesn't make a difference but words hurt.

Ok have a nice life and I hope I see you again.

stay weird


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