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Silent peace

Some people say that music is a background noise or just unneeded sound

For some, like me

It's life

Without music, I would be consumed by the voices and noises in my head that don't matter that say I don't either


A voice said to me

Give them time

Over time you will be alone, you deserve to be alone

You don't deserve those people

The people who care

The people who love

They are not for you

And sometimes you believe it

You believe them

Unlike most, music helps me feel loved

It makes me think that someone


Maybe even the writer of the song wrote it for me

Someone knows I am here

Someone knows I find a meaning to their words that no one else will

Some people say that music is just words

Obviously yes music is just words

But they way that people listen to those words makes them have a difference and meaning

I for one listen to music to help me through everything




Self hate

Self anger



It calms me in a way no one can think simple words can do

Sometimes maybe someone would notice

Maybe sometimes soon someone would look

They would look past everything

By everything I need the locked doors I stay behind

Maybe someone would


Maybe someday

Some people tell me to stop listening to music

I tell them I would die

They laugh and think I am joking

But really

Without music

With the love one or a few people put into making one a 2 go 3 minute song

For millions of people

It keeps me on this earth

It keeps me sane

It keeps my small broken pieces of my body in a pile

Instead of flying in the wind

Away from everything

From the anger and sadness I wear like a jacket everywhere.

Music was always there

Sitting in the pocket of that jacket

Waiting for me

Always there

No matter where

Or when

Or why

If someone


Stayed with


they would realize that 


well damn

I should be doing my english homework but saw that people are actually reading this so here we are

Does anyone have a birthday in this month ?

if yes then what day?

mine is the 16th

thanks y'all for your time


stay weird 


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