when people leave

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For my whole life people have left me

Sometimes intentionally

Sometimes not really

The first time someone left was

When I was 3

I moved and left my best friends behind

Then in kindergarten

I made ONE friend

We were not in the same class for 5 years

She moved on

In first grade

She moved to a different school in the area

In second grade

They moved to a different state

In third and fourth grade

I FINALLY had one good friend

He was awesome

Then I screwed it up in 5th grade with my feelings

That's the first time in my life that I realized I was replaceable

The next day he came into school totally ignoring me

Well since then my life has been shit

I realized that everyone leaves I instead of being the one left behind I started being to one to leave first

Sixth grade

I had a friend I thought she got too close

Cut the whole friendship off

Like it never happened

Same with seventh and eighth

Then tonight in the middle of the summer going into ninth grade

I brought my dog up to my room to give me company while I sleep/cry at night

Then my parents found out

And my dog also left me

He left me here in the fuckin dark


Just like everyone else did


stay weird 


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