To Bts

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You saved me

From myself

You have saved me from all the bad thoughts I got on sad days

You lifted my mood to let go

To say "so what"

To relax

You saved me

And this is my thank you

Thank you all for sticking together through everything you all went through

I started to listening to your music in elementary school around 2013-2014

I was in 3rd grade

Even though i could not understand your words

I still loved the beat

And i could still hear the meaning without knowing it

I got back into listening to your music during a bad part of my life

7th grade

Everything i did was wrong or not enough


Your songs made me smile

They made me laugh with my friends when I tried to learn the lyrics

They made me happy again

They made me free

Thank you for that

Since 7th grade, the past two years, i have been listening to your music more and more

I don't know how you have a song that fits my every mood

My every feeling

Thank you for that

You have helped me in ways I don't think I can ever explain

Even though we do not know each other

And probably never will

This is my thank you

For saving me

From myself



thank you to everyone reading this 

stay weird 


Can You relate?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora