I am Nothing

13 2 3

Why is this me

Why do I not know love

Why do I know what it feels like not to belong

Why does my blood make me not have a family

When will someone realize that i am broken

When will someone come along and be ok with picking up each and every small piece

Will someone be ok with knowing that there is a devil under all of the nothing

Will someone ever love me for me

Will someone love me for a broken little girl that is scared of everything

Will someone live with a person that doesn't think that are worthy of the love that they are being given

But i am nothing

Nothing but a broken little girl who just wants to belong


Maybe if her family gave her a chance

Maybe her friends

Even if her crush just would notice that she cared

It would make that little nothing filled girl want to stay

Stay here and wait for someone who will never be hers

This thing called love

It is a cold nothing filled thing

Like a bird everyone wants to catches

A bird everyone wants to cut the wings off of

The bird that doesn't exist

People do things in the name of love

Will they do things for a person who is nothing

Will they do those crazy things for someone who doesn't deserve them?


hope you like

also if you had three wishes what would they be?

stay weird


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