That kind of person

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I haven't found that person

The person that i can tell

That i'm not fine

The one i can trust

To tell

Everything to


I really just wanna find a stranger

That will cry with me in the rain

That will not know anything about me and let me cry on their shoulder

And not tell me everything is ok

Because it's not ok

Nothing is

And ever will be

I can't find that person

Because to everyone

If i don't smile

I am sad

If i am sad

I am depressed

And everytime someone asks

If i'm ok

My answer is always

I don't know

Because I can't find a person

That cares enough to see me weak

Everytime i show i have any type of emotion

All my friends ask where "the real me" went

They think that I'm cold and don't have feelings

That's what I show them

And that's what they're fine seeing

Never once have they asked

Really really asked the question

That if I was ok

I don't have that person

That I know won't break or tell anyone

I don't have a person

That I can trust to tell them how I feel about everything

About how I don't feel like i'm enough

About how I am self conscious about everything and don't show it

About how I hate myself

But no one asks

And I don't wanna burden them with my load of bs

But I have never met

Anyone like me

That pretends to be fine

All the time

That they are so freaking sick of it

That they keep doing it

They are breaking inside wanting to just sit in a corner and cry

But they can't

I can't

Because no one will understand

Telling my problems to a stranger or a friend have no difference 

They will have the same reaction

They won't care

And I am still here

Pretending my way through high school

Like nothing is wrong

Because I don't even know if something is


I am having an off day today

stay weird 


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