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Many people say all monsters are heartless creatures made to kill

But some

Like me

Only want love

And kindness

And being welcomed even if we are too broken to be fixed

People say that monsters don't have hearts

But some of them

Have the biggest heart you can ever find

Just because you are a monster doesn't mean you are heartless

Just because you are different doesn't mean you aren't loved

Just because you are broken doesn't mean a little duct tape can't help

Sometimes monsters

Have feelings too

Just because you are a monster doesn't mean all of you is

There is always a part of a person that is weak

No matter how much power and selfishness or heartlessness someone has in them

There is always something to make them human

And being human means being weak

People say that monsters are scary

I don't try to be

But I am

People say monsters can't be loved

I know I can't be

But I try

People say monsters are not human

I am

But my human is still forgotten


we are all a little bit monster inside, just don't judge people for that small part of them

stay weird 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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