This feeling right now

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I have gotten to the point that I just wanna sit somewhere and let everything around me pass

I have so much stuff i need to do

So many things people expect from me

So many unreal expectations

That I know I will fail at

I try to be enough

I try to be able to get where myself and everyone around me wants to be

But after everything

It becomes too much

Thinking about the future every step I take

Thinking about how all my actions will affect the future

How everyone thinks if I fail now I will always be a failure

That there is no redemption

This cycle

The repetition

Of doing all of these things

Just to crash and restart?


Why do i try to be someone I am not

Why is being myself not enough for the future?

Why can't i be mentally ok and move forward

Why do I have to drown myself in stress to get myself somewhere?

Stopping the stress and doing what i like for a few minutes is not enough

I want to be free

I want to live my life

Not the lives of everyone else


yeah I'm in a weird mood today

stay weird 


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