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It's been a long time since

I've talked to death

My friend wanted to die

The scars on her wrists prove it

For me...

I don't want to be put in the category of a skin drawer

I don't want to be deemed suicidal

I don't want to be called mentally unstable

But death is the one constant thing that has always been in my mind

I don't wanna be the one to take my life

I don't wanna be the person in my grade that killed themselves.

I don't wanna be the one that everyone says that they could have saved

I want to die for something

I am not afraid of death

The faster I get out of this hell and put into another

If I would have to die I would wanna die for a reason

Not because I am depressed

Not because I wanted to

By saving someone

Cause their life is more important that mine

They have people who want them here

I don't

I don't even want myself to be here

I don't even want to live

I just wanna eat something and never wake up

But then

If I do wake up

That's a whole other problem


My nickname now is Syn so 

Stay weird

~ Syn

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