Sasuke's Idea

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The idea just occurred to him. Like, ding, another brilliant, geeky and very sasuke idea wormed its way into his mind. He started planning this idea very, very carefully. His excellent ninja skills helped him make daring progressions and risky transactions. First, he planned. It took weeks for his mind to make all the calculations work for his big oppurtunity. Then, of course, he told Yukimura. Even though they were practically BFFs, Yuki still had absolutely no idea what had happened in that brain of his. But he still went with it because even though Sasuke was crazy, he (a) was his best friend, (b) knew how smart he was, and (c) sasuke was a ninja. So, he put his brave face on and helped him negotiate with Shingen and Kenshin. After 17 "I'll kill yous" from Kenshin and Shingen spitting his sake all over Yukimura from initial shock, they finally got it to work out. Then, they sent a message to Azuchi telling them the date and time they would meet up. So at approximately 2 PM on March 31st, while MC was out shopping, 12 warlords sat in Azuchi's great hall, discussing tactics and practicing for the big event. It was certainly a very interesting conversation. Finally, the plan was set. 12 sweaty and incredibly nervous warlords finally went to bed, tensed to kick the plan into motion the following day.
MC got up the next morning feeling fresh and energized. After slipping on her favorite kimono and freshening up quickly in the bathroom, she decided to head into the kitchen to eat a light breakfast. Just as she was stepping into the hall, she was met by an astounding sight -- all of the warlords -- both Uesugi and Oda allianced -- gathered around her door and even worse, promptly began singing, "baby shark du du dududu" upon her arrival. MC's first reaction was embarrassment. She was very sensitive to cringy material, and this was definitely a 11 on the 1 to 5 scale. Her second thought was, "What day is today?" But of course, when 12 warlords are enthusiastically singing baby shark in front of you with really bad hand motions, you can't really think straight. So she had no choice but to listen and try not to look as awkward as she felt. When they finished, MC tried to sound completely unaffected. In a very shaky voice, MC stated: "Umm... so... Ieyasu has a very beautiful voice but I couldn't really hear him because Masamune was screeching, and Mitsunari was singing and octave above everyone else, and Mitsuide was mumbling the words and Nobunaga and Kenshin really can't sing and..."
Cutting MC off, Sasuke replied in a slightly smug tone, "Happy April Fool's. I managed to catch your reaction on my phone and I am sending it to Mitsuhide in 3... 2... 1..."
"Noooooo!!!!!" MC screeched and chased after Sasuke in her bunny slippers and shouting curses while the rest of the warlords watched in pure amusement.

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