~Chapter 6~

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~chapter 6~

~Shoto: 3rd POV~

Shoto had to deal with his father's rage all the way home just from the moment that the opposing King was out of view. "Irresponsible!", "Thick-headed!", "Get your priorities straight!"  King Enji went on and on. Todoroki ignored most of it, instead having his mind set on what he would write to his new friend. Had he even actually made a friend? Did Izuku think he was weird, or weird looking? Did Izuku even like him? Shoto felt flustered between his feelings and emotions. He hadn't really had a friend outside of the castle before, or even outside of the higher class of royalty. It was a new, odd feeling and experience.
~Izuku: 3rd POV~
Deku sighed, stripping off his duty attire and slipping into more comfortable, casual clothes. He strolled into the dining area and plopped down into a chair at the table just as his mother was about to serve heated tea. "I made a new friend today, mum!" He gleamed. "Oh? What's their name? Are they a girl? Do you like them?" She sat the tea platter on the table and poured him a cup. "Mother! I'm only 15. But no, he's a boy actually! His name is Shoto Todoroki! He's actually the Prince of the Enji Kingdom.." Inko nearly dropped the tray of tea. "The Prince? Prince Todoroki? You made friends with the PRINCE?"
Izuku sat back and sipped his tea, confused. "Yes... is it a bad thing?"
His mother wiped the splattered tea off of her face. "W-well no! But it's just... suprising. I never could imagine you making friends with him."
"Hey what's that supposed to mean?!" Izuku frowned. "I- Nothing, nothing! He's just.. the Prince.. and we're poor."
Midoriya shook his head. "Doesn't matter I guess. He was rather awkward, if that's what you'd call it. But we bonded a bit, and he'll be sending me a letter soon! His father doesn't know though." He took a sip of his tea. "Apparently, his father isn't that good of a king, he-" Izuku was interrupted. 'Thump,' he heard faintly. And then there it was again. 'Thump, thump.' It sounded as if it was coming from his own window. Izuku looked at his mom, questioning if he should look. She shook her head and rushed into his room, he followed shortly. "Izuku! It's a letter, for you! By, what I'm guessing, is the Prince's private bird.."
Deku rushed over and grabbed the note, opening it quickly. "I can't believe he wrote me so quickly! It hasn't nearly been half an hour yet.."
He examined the note.

"Monday, July 1st. Dear Izuku Midoriya, this is Shoto Todoroki writing to you. I was wondering if I was too quick to write you, but I guessed you may not mind. I was thinking about it on the ride home and decided that you will meet me on Wednesday Evening, July 3rd, 5 PM. You can find me in near the same place as the earlier event, by one of the trees. Don't be late."

Midoriya read the letter outloud. "Gosh, he sounds awful bossy. Are you sure you are okay being his friend?"
"I'll be fine, mom. I'm sure he's just used to being treated specially. He is royalty, after all!"

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