~Chapter 13~

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~Chapter 13~

~Todoroki's POV~

In his suddenly quiet room, after Fuyumi raced out the door same as she came in, Shoto was left to his writing. First he had to deal with the ink spill, though. He decided to call Asui to take care of it.
She entered formally.
"Good evening, your highness." The maid spoke aptly.
"And good evening to you, Tsu." He was pleased that he remembered her nickname. "I've spilled a little ink if you wouldn't mind righting my desk."
Tsu nodded and left for a moment, returning with a rag and a small bucket of soapy water.
"What's this" she murmered to herself while beginning to tidy up his desk. The maid turned and held up an ink-spotted paper, Shoto's previous writing shown and still half legible. "Would you like me to throw this in the bin?" She tilted her head.
Shoto stared for a moment. "I'll have that. Just some silly writing of mine." She nodded and turned back to the desk. She knew her curiosity would do her no good, but she wanted to see what the Prince wrote in his freetime. One peek wouldn't harm anyone, would it? And so her eyes scanned it swiftly, not missing a word and she set it aside before he noticed.
It certaintly wasn't any fictional wonders, but a note written to a dear friend. Who could the Prince be writing to? The name was scarcily left behind, just a few letters of the last. '...doriya'. By then, the desk was already clean, and she did not want to reveal that she had read the note, so she dipped her head and left.
But who was doriya?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2019 ⏰

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