Just thought I'd say a few things

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Wanted to get a few things off my mind

Why is no one talking about the time Richard killed Don's horse?
Did he feel bad about it?
Did he ever apologize?
Don was clearly devastated when it happened cuz he even said something like "This is the saddest I've ever felt in my entire life"

I feel like Don really does like Richard, but Richard doesn't exactly feel the same...

In that one episode of Jonstoner, where the Jonstoner gang goes to Duni's Halloween party, Dashlie mentions how Dick had been quiet all day
Don wasn't invited to the party

Should I just provide a bunch of evidence of Donchard eventually? I've found a collection of moments that hit differently when thinking about the ship.

A few examples:
-Dick offered to throw in a new hat as Don was also leaving that scene
-Near the end of the Don&Dres Show when the Dread Squad were discussing Don's cactus he had by his window, Dick mentioned how it was well taken care of. Don said something along the lines of "Well, of course. You got it for my birthday, after all." And Don just looked at Dick as he was looking away, and Don says, "You don't remember that, do you?" and Dick's like "Nope."

There's more evidence to it, too
But I don't feel like Donchard would ever really become a thing
If it does I will eat my own shoes (an exaggeration, but I most likely will pause whatever I'm watching and just silently circle around my room with my hands in the air)

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