Even more headcanons

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What the title says

Don and Dindsey are technically... siblings?
Clone siblings
They get along with each other like siblings because they are both clones

Richard hhhhhhhHATES pineapple on pizza

Richard has never had a pimple or zit or acne of any kind in his entire life

Dashlie is bicurious

Richard is pan

DDawn couldn't care less about his sOn
If Don ever went missing, the robot probably wouldn't switch to some sort of Nemo mode where he runs around town scaring people by shouting "WHERE IS MY SON. HAVE YOU SEEN MY SON"
But maybe he would
Eh probably not
But the idea sounds funny

Don's favorite superhero is Spider-Man

Don allows himself to fall in love easily because he likes the feeling of getting hurt and being played. It makes him feel something for once

Richard has a stupid rad range. He can't go low exactly, but his voice can go real high, jumping from 0 to 100 in a second. For reference, it sounds similar to the lead singer of PUP's voice
He can also scream/make his voice shaky when singing without hurting his vocal chords. But sometimes he does use his real voice just because he's a masochist

Richard is somewhat of a masochist

Don wants to be a writer

Anyone else living for the sibling rivalry between Dashlie and Dick? Could totally imagine them going off on a chaotic adventure through the forests of Canada

Don doesn't care what people think about him. He's slowly learned to not care, and in turn, it's made him somehow more optimistic

Dick has insomnia and bad anxiety and depression. He just doesn't voice it like Don does
There's actually evidence of the depression part, which makes me hurt for him.

Don found it unbearably cute when Dick was walking around so proudly when he found his new axe in the pocket dimension  v o i d

One time when Duni asked for Don and Dindsey's help, they showed up in storm trooper outfits and said they were prepared for the Clone Wars

Since Jon has died and the d gang came back... does that mean Don is perfectly fine compared to the others..? If that makes sense? Like, he's kinda a mix of himself with a bit of Jon's personality in him...

Don: *trying to make Dick laugh all day*
Don, randomly: Pestilence
Dick: *snorts*

Duni, attempting to sound smart: I made these plans with a good friend of mine. We met and chatted over it a fortnight ago and discussed the upcoming events priviously
Don, trying to keep it together: "pRIVIOUSLY"

Don: I like your crop top
Dobyn: Thank you
Don: Do you have one I could borrow

Townsperson 1: We Aren't allowed in
Townsperson 2: Whys that?
TP 1: The jester
TP 2: What about him?
TP 1: He just... stands there sometimes. Out on the lawn. And he says some of the most heinous things imaginable. Things that could scare a grown man out of his wits
TP 2: *looks over at the d gang's house*
Don: Carpeted kitchens
Don: Global warming
Don: Your mom and dad banging to make you
Don: Kicking a wall with a toothpick under your toenail
Don: Checking your pockets for your phone but it actually isn't there
Don: Two different people's eyeballs touching each other

Dashlie: Ugh, Dick, we're supposed to be blending in!
Dick: Well, sorry, D a s h l i e, but only your sweater worked. Your go-go boots didn't fit-
Dick: -me.
Dashlie: What?
Don: *kicks down doors with hot, white go-go boots and makin it woooork*

Don: Dindsey, it says no outside food or drinks inside
Don: But u be lookin like a snacc
Duni: Don, don't harass your sister like that

Don: *gets distracted by something in the snow*
Dick, annoyed: Don, what the hell is it now?
Don: *turns around to reveal a spider on his face, startling Dick*
Don: I've been chosen

Dobyn: I love spiderman!
Dobyn: He's, like, my second favorite superhero
Don: s e c o n d ?

Jon has the monorail
Don has the ice boat highway

Imagine Don as like... a spider jockey
He just really loves spiders so much

I'll as more later maybe

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