Chapter five: Tryouts

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| Tracie |

So the rest of the week went by really fast. It was filled with unnecessary tests and exams to see where we should be placed in classes. But football tryouts were today and I am excited but nervous. I am excited because I love playing football and just making the team, I would go crazy. I am nervous not because of my dream but because of all the people watching me. Not the people on the bleachers, the players on the sidelines. They know every single mistake I can make because they play the game. Ugh I wish tryouts were private.

I hopped in my moms truck and headed to football tryouts. I was nervous just looking at the field full of players. My mom stayed in the car. I ran up to Hayes in my football gear.

"Sup idiot!" I yell at him. Punching his shoulder pad. He put his hand to his heart like it hurt. I laugh.

"Still nervous?" he asks.

"Not really." I lie.

"Good." he said. "they will only test you on kicking since you're a kicker."

"Ok--" I was cut off.

"Hey!!" Noah, Kyle and Jake say running up to me and Hayes.

"Hey!" I say nervously.

"Don't be nervous." Noah says. It's like he read my mind.

"I won't be." I say and run through the gates to the stadium and onto the field. The guys all follow behind me. All the players stood on the sidelines and waited for their name to be called.

"Caden Adams..."

"Cameron Sales..."

"John Thompson..."

Phew we were examined in groups of three. In my groups was Hayes, Noah and I. I was so glad we weren't in individuals.

First they did some regular kickoff plays and I kicked four good ones and one a bad one. I only kicked that bad goal because I was busy staring at Hayes but I think I did alright considering they only made me kick five times. I walked off the field confident. I sure do hope I make the team.

I returned home after tryouts and began to eat my mac and cheese. I continuously got texts from Hayes saying stuff like 'you did perfect' or like 'there is no doubt you will be the starting kicker babe' did Hayes just call me babe? Does he have feelings for me too? I replied to his text.

| Hayes |

That night while getting Skylynn ready for bed, I texted Tracie.

Me: You did perfect! There is no doubt you will be the starting kicker babe.

Shoot! I just called Tracie my 'babe'?

Tracie💘: Thanks for the support bby! xoxo.

I think she has feelings for me. I sure hope so because I want her to be mine so I can cuddle with her and hold her short little body in my arms. Tracie is the girl I would love to be with. Forever. Tracie Smith, do you like me?

| Tracie |

Me: Thanks for the support bby! xoxo.

Did I seriously put that. I mean I like him and his deep blue eyes and brown hair but that's a total giveaway. Ugh curse my fast thumbs. I hope he likes me too. Why am I acting like such a girl? Sure I like him but I'm a football player not a girly cheerleader. Hayes Grier, do you like me?


•Thank you for 20+ reads!

•Sorry if the chapter is short.

•So they're showing more feelings toward each other.

•Whats a good ship name?

#Trayes or #Haycie

•Would you ship?

•Check out 'Hayes and I'.

Stay perfect • Luv yah!

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