Chapter eleven: Good times

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| Tracie |

Addy, Hayes, Eli and I got home from school and we set our backpacks down in my kitchen.

"Ugh.. four days til my birthday. So excited but so much homework." I say.

"Yay! You'll be fourteen." Addy screams.

"Oh, that's right. Happy early birthday Tracie." Eli continues.

"Happy four days before babe!" Hayes said and hugged me.

"Yeah.." I sigh. "But still so much homework." We laugh.

"Hey, after homework we should all go swimming." Hayes said. "Got it?"

"Got it." I say rushing to my backpack so I could finish my homework then see Hayes shirtless when we go swimming.

| Hayes |

Tracie's birthday is in a few days and I still haven't gotten her a birthday present. I will just ask my mom when I get home. It took us fifteen minutes to finish the homework our boring teachers gave us. We walked towards the pool.

"Swimming!" I scream, taking off my shirt and jumping in the pool. Before I jumped in, I could see Tracie staring at my abs. I smirked at her when I came back up from under water. 20 minutes went by of us swimming then we went inside to watch movies.

| Tracie |

During the movie, I drifted off after Hayes kissed me on the cheek.


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