Chapter six: Being accepted

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You may think this chapter is about coming out of the closet by the title but nah... just read😂


| Hayes |

I woke up to sticky stuff being applied on my face. It felt like lipstick. I wake up angry at whoever is doing this. it was Skylynn but I couldn't be mad at her. Then I looked behind her and saw Nash laughing while recording it. I am furious. I get up and walk over to Nash. He posted my embarrassing video on a little green app. I begged him to delete it but I noticed thousands of like notifications on his phone.

"Dang! I'm famous." I say.

"No, actually I am." he says "vine famous."

"What's vine?"

"A little green app that you can make six second videos on." he replies.

"Don't ya think it'd be hard to fit all your humor into a six second video? I don't know how you manage to keep a bunch of it on your face too."

"Whatever, and Yeah that's why they have Magcon." Nash said in a duh voice.

"What's Magcon?"

"Jeez! do you know anything?" he said. "It's a tour where I meet all my fans that like my videos." He said annoyed "any other questions?"

"Actually..." I said just to annoy him. he groaned and stomped his feet. "I was joking you big baby!" I shout.

"Skylynn! get ready for your play date with Marc and Maya today." Marc and Maya are kids at pre-school who's parents are close with ours. "Boys get ready for school!"

I jump up and put on khaki shorts with a black, vans shirt and a grey and red snapback. I remember that school gets out early because we are hosting a math competition at our school today.

"Mom, we get out of school early today!" I say loud.

"Okay, thanks for letting me know!" she yells back.

I grab my breakfast and walk out the door meeting Tracie, Nicole, Noah, Lauren, Jake, Emma, Kyle, and Maggie outside and walking to school.

| Tracie |

I woke up at 6:50 to get ready. I put my long dark brown hair into a side braid and wore my white converse. I put on black leggings and wore a plaid, red tank. I put my composition book phone case on my phone and stared at myself in the mirror. I wish I was taller. I ran downstairs and accepted the bagel and yogurt my mom put out for me. when I was done, I ran outside and joined the rest of my neighbors and we walked to school. halfway there, Hayes looked at me and winked. I laughed and mouthed the words 'how'd you sleep?' he replied mouthing 'very well'.

We soon reached school and separated into our different classes besides Nicole, Hayes and I. Blah blah blah... first period in math was boring. I learned nothing like always. When first period was over, the nine of us met by the benches near the library. Hayes, Jake, Noah and I looked to see who made freshman football team. I didn't make it on the list, I made it on the 'first female in history to play football at Davidson' list. So I did make it. I smirk. It was cool being known as the first girl to play football at school. I jumped in excitement that I made the team. I was accepted to join the football team at Davison.

-------skipping school-------

It's twelve and we get out early today. Us nine friends walked home together. We went swimming at Nicole's house because her parents didn't mind, we we're like their other kids. I changed into my black, Aztec bikini and put on some grey and blue flip flops. I wore my hair in a messy bun and threw my 'pink' sunglasses on my face.

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