CHAPTER 1 " Innocence"

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        Kiera! Kiera! her mom yelled there is someone i want you and your sister and brother to meet. He is your dad's dear old friend Ricardo's son, is name is Alex williams. Kiera was the second child for her parents Kaheem Scott and Azaria Scott and they have an eldest son Kaheem Jr and smaller daughter Arista their pride and joy even her dad preferred Arista but that was uncommon although Kaheem played sport got good grades and live up to the family legacy he was never their favourite but Arista a fashionista at age 13 was their diamond. Being the middle child was very rough for keira because of the lock of attension she recieve, her parents was always paying too much attention to Arista and Kaheem whose pet name is keem was always complaining about the lack of support even though he was a grown ass adult who was 23 years old and should be able to live on is own but instead he travels from home daily to college.
           Kiera quickly change her night wear and put on a dress but it was showing her curves too much, many girls her age would be glad to have a body like her, her hourglass figure which couldn't be  hiden no matter what she wear and everywhere she went the men would stare at her body and call to her. She slide on her bed slippers and went downstairs only to see Arista and keem already down stairs. Her mother continued talking to Alex introducing each of her children to him and Kiera was surprise to see how well groom he look with blue eyes, bright brown complexion, dark Indian hair and aps printing out through his tight fitted blue shirt. Her mom told them that he was visiting town for a while and he was going to stay with them so that he can work at his bookstore and after the introduction her mother invited Alex tohave breakfast with them and they all went to the breakfast table to have breakfast.
       After breakfast Kiera quickly ran upstairs to get ready to go to school she was a Christian and started this Christian faith from age 9. She was taught that her body is sacred and no men should touch it and no sex until marriage. She put on a yellow jeans pants with a pink crop top and ofcouse a marina had to be wore under the crop top which was a yellow one and she wore a pink sneakers. She hurried down stairs and saw Arista neatly dressed in a blue tight fitted dress and bridgette slippers, she had a pear shape for a slim girl. They both acknowledge how they had  each dressed for school with compliments and then waited 20 minutes for the school bus. This was keira's last day of attending The Great Wisdom high school in Chestnut city, she was going to turn 18 soon and infact,  just one month  away on July 6 and she was filled with anxiety because she didn't know what the future hold.
        As the bus pulled up at school she saw her best friend Adella and they hugged so tightly knowing that it was the last day before the summer break, they had a blast that day and Adella annoyed her about planning a birthday party and that she could pop the cherry on her birthday she was so grossed out by the conversation. Adella had pop her cherry along time ago at age 14 and now she was 18yrs old.
      School was finally over and She was glad to reach home and headed to her room to finish reading her favourite wattpad book seduce me, sometimes she wish she could be like Isabelle from that book but she knew that was definitely not gonna happen with that personality of hers . She had just apply for a summer job at Alex's bookstore and he told her in the evening that she had gotten the job she was overwhelmed with excitement because she knew that next week she is going to start working and it maybe an adventurous summer after all............

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