Chapter "12"

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     I can't believe its actually happening,  being in captivity for all those years made me give up hope of ever going home but now its finally happening and I am so greatful to God because although the time was long he kept me safe all these years. I tried to call my mom's old number but it was saying this is a restricted number after trying to call  few more contacts,  it was saying restricted number .  Then I remembered Adella's number and i prayed then called her and finally someone answered. "Della", I said shakily,"Oh my God!,keke is that you ", she said and I could hear her sobbing. I was so overwhelmed by all the emotions running through my body, I handed the phone to miss Jasmine  which explained everything to Adella pertaining me traveling back to America as tears continuously flow from my eyes .She promise to tell my family that I am coming home and someone need to meet me at the airport.
        I cried on the flight back home to America and when Zoe who became very attached to me (she sat on the seat beside me on the plane) asked me what's wrong I had to tell her that am watching a very emotional movie. After 4 hours and six minutes on the flight the plane finally reached America and I wrote down my friends number that I met after the ship sank and tell Zoe that I will see her again giving them each an hug. My chest tightened as I became nervous about reuniting with my  family.
   When arrived in the airport I was surrounded by news reporters ask me questions about how it feels to finally be back home and it felt so overwhelming for me and I was very quiet as my big bro and Adella pushed through the press and got me into a car. "I missed you so much little sis ", Keem said while he was sobbing very  hard. "I missed you too big bro ", I said. The drive back home took like forever and I was having mix feelings of how I will react when I finally see my family members. As keem pulled up to the house there were neighbors gather around cheering by saying "we're glad your home keira ", "we love you kiera" and had balloons and welcome cards it was just alot .There were news reporters also outside and we hurried past them and went inside the house because they we're asking some creepy questions and some that brought me back to the dark days in my life .In the house my mom, dad, little sister, keem and some other family members hugged me tightly and told me they never gave up hope on me all these years and knew I was out there somewhere alive and they and I just broke down in tears.
      I spotted Araila and Ariel talking and I couldn't believe my baby looked so grown up. I went over there and hugged her tightly and then hugged Araila. Mommy why is this lady hugging me Ariel said to Adella. "I am your mom I told her ", "No your not, my mom is Adella and keems my dad and Araila is my twin sister she said. Tears started pouring down my face as I look on Adella and said "How could you do this to me you should have told her that her mom got kidnapped but no you two told her you were her parents". I ran out of the hall and went to my room which look in there and lock myself away. I tried to control my tears and  I love my baby so much and she as been grown and is very disrespectful to me.I cried myself to sleep. For the next few weeks my mom brought food up to me because I couldn't bare to see my brother and Adella at the point. They have spoiled my daughter and didn't tell her that I was her mother. I know that I should be greatful to them for taking care of my daughter but they took it way too far when they told her they were her parents."open up keke ", my mom said and I open up my room to see keem and Adella outside of my door along with my mom. "Mom I don't want to talk to them ", I told her furiously. You need to Make  amends with them my mom replied. "How were we suppose to explain to a toddler that her mom has been missing and is probably dead that would have torn that poor child up so we decided that we will tell her when she is grown enough and has the years drift by it just got harder to explain this to her and so we didn't tell her", keem said. "children need tough love sometimes they need to know the truth more than you hide behind lies to make them feel good about their life and in the end they become bitter individuals ", I said. "Well your her mother and you know what's best for her and we explained everything to her that night you stormed up to your room and she is ready now to meet you keira ", Della said.
        We walked down stairs and has I reached in the hall Ariela stormed up to me and hugged me tightly, "am so sorry mommy, I knew nothing about you and all this time I thought someone else was my parents". We both cried as I reunited with the only person who kept me going throughout all the bizzare things I have been through for the past few years. Ariela was the full image of me when I was younger, she was even blessed  with curves.
        For the past three months I have been asked countless times to tell my family what had happen to me but I was too afraid to open up those wounds. I just tell them when am ready I will explain Everything to them.I  kept getting nightmares of the tragedic events and sometimes I felt like I was still getting tortured, it was an horrible feeling and I didn't want to stress my parents about it, they had been through alot over the past few years .  No one knows how it feels to be lock away for many years and then to adopt to a society which technology had advance more over the years its just overwhelming to ask a seven year old to teach you how to use the updated version of of a smart TV or the new iPhone 12 that my brother bought me but I tried my best to keep everything together. The plastic smiles and all the fake happiness I had to potray in order to get everyone to think that am doing okay when inside I am slowly tearing apart .
       It was time to have a meeting with the police chief in our community and I wasn't ready but Della told me that I could do this and believed every word she said. I was a bit nervous but I percievere through it. "I am police chief Francis and I want to ask you a few questions and it is okay if you don't feel comfortable to answer them you can answer at your own pace. He asked me a few questions about who kidnapped me and for the first time I had to courage to explain everything and tell him about the affair I had with Alex and I didn't know that he was married and that he had twin which pretend to be him by the name of Benjamin who conspired with is wife Natalie.
        The police chief looked at me in shocked I knew that this was alot of information for him to process but he looked up and told me "Honey Alex's wife "Natalie" died a few year prior to your disappearance from cancer, I was even at her funeral. This means that someone is out there impersonating her and Alex is aware of this. My heart started pounding very fast and I started to tremble could I have trusted wrong person, how could the love of my life and my soul mate hurt me this badly... I tried hard to hold my tears, I thought that I could trust him but he knew everything all along how could he  do this to me?
       I told the police chief that I didn't want him to tell my family about anything I told him and I want the information to remain confidential cause I don't want them to become worried. "Kiera you can trust me, I wont tell anyone until your ready, if you remember anything else that can help in this case you can tell me ", he said. The drive back home with keem and Adella was very quite and I tried my best to dodge the questions they were going to ask me by putting in my airpad that my mom bought me which took a while for me to understand but with the help of Ariela I now know how to use it.
I know that there is hope after darkness and am prepared to grab that hope and see what life had in store for me.
                    -Q exotics

How is the twist of the story???... Who is impersonating Natalie or is she being impersonated??  Tune into Chapter 13, for all those people out door I want to say happy new year.. I hope you enjoy 2020!!!!  its time for a new beginning a fresh start, its time for you to get a fresh start because your past shouldn't define you but enhanced the individual you are use the lessons you have learned to strengthen the individual you are. Happy New year!!

Forbidden Entice Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora