Chapter 4 " BETRAYAL"

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      Her heart was bounding she had  been decieved by a man that she thought loved her, why would he tear her world apart she wish she had save her sacred flower until she got married and the worst thing about it was that she didn't have anyone to talk to, she was afraid that they would look down on her and she didn't want to be the one to bring shame to her family or break the bond that Alex's family and her family shared.
    In August she had to pretend during the day that she was happy and try to have fun with her  siblings Keem and Arista and when she had sleep overs with  Adella, she had to become the biggest imposter until one night she decided that she couldnot take it anymore and told Adella and Adella told her that she knew that they were having an affair because the night at kiera's party she saw them kissing and was so shocked and try to get the truth from her but she kept dodging her questions and she was waiting for her to tell her the truth. Kiera felt so relief atlesst she had someone to talk to now. Then Kiera told her that Della he is the one that broke my virginity and then went away the next day like am just a one night stand. Adella's eyes were filled with tears and she said am sorry keke because am the one who keeps encouraging you to have sex and now a man old enough to be your brother or even your Dad,  has manipulated you and have taken away something so precious from you but Kiera I know that your stronger than this and you can pull through because your a fighter, keke fight for your future and life goes on. The room was filled with sadness as both girl cried and told each other Good night. The next day was church and for the first time in a long while she felt like God didn't like her because he would of atlesst save her from falling into a trap and decided that she didn't want to go to church. Her mother came upstairs to call her,"keke keke are you ready for church, come down and have some breakfast ",  and she replied saying mom am not hungry I feel like am coming down with a flu and her mom told her that Jesus is the medicine that heal every sickness but she refuse and her mother got very furious and shouted Kiera  Abigail Amielia Scott if you don't get yourself ready in thirty minutes your going to feel my wraught young lady and Kiera started screaming at her mom "mom am tired of you pushing me around, leave me alone!  ",  her mother became so upset and use a spare key to pull keira's room and slap her four time in the face and told her am your mother you need to have respect to me and get ready to go to church. Kiera weeped bitterly she wasn't only feeling internal pain but physical pain but she got dress in her pink versace dress and aqua shoes and her pink and aqua church hat and she started to ask God for forgiveness for her thoughts and action but guilt took over her and she felt so bad for what she had done. How could she go in the presence of God but she had to put a smile on her face to fool  her siblings and it worked because she and keem were both joking around and Arista slapped her on her bottom and she chased her but as for her mother she had developed a viscious hate because even at age 18 she was being beaten by her mother and she was legally an adult. The drive to church was shorter than it had ever been and she was so fill with anxiety. When she got to church she started worshipping the lord but felt like something heavy was holding her down. when it was time to preach the preacher said congregation we have a pastor visiting us today from one of our branches and we want to invite my good friend a man of God, Decon Alex Martin, Kiera was embarrassed she couldn't even made eye contact with Alex because of  the shame she felt and the bitterness she had locked up in her heart for him but the part that hurt her so much is because she has lowkey feelings for him and he is married and there he was on the pulpit introducing is beautiful wife "First lady Athena martin and is two beautiful daughters and she felt so jealous and used" and the congregation clapped and her mom saw her not clapping and said keke and she started clapping instantly and her hate for her mom has lowkey escalated although she knew that it was wrong. She was left in  disbelief that he would go on the pulpit and is topic was forbidden fruit and he talked about how precious it was when a lady allows her husband to be the first one to have sex with her and that  was what is wife did and Kiera just taught about how ironic it was and he continue saying that fornication is a sin and then he started saying that Jesus die for you to wash away your sin and all the time Kiera had to hold in her tears. After the preaching they called everyone to the alter to pray with them and Kiera went by the alter and got prayer and as she was walking out the church her mom called out Kiera come and meet Alex's wife and two kids and she shake  their hands and walk to the car to go sit inside because her mother had to talk to everyone at church before leaving because she was so talkitive and had many friends. When she went in the car she started weeping she never want to see Alex again.
To end the summer her family went on their annual camping trip and guess who they invited?
The legendary Alex  so she invited Adella to come on the trip with her because she did not feel safe around him, she may  become naive again and allow him to repeat what he had done before so to  resist the temptation she will be occupied with gossips by Adella. Finally the Monday came when they were going to start their one week camping up the Santana Monica  Mountain in Los Angeles, Kiera made sure that she pack some loose fitted dresses because she couldn't stand being stared at by Alex. She packed all her neccesities and went straight downstairs to  hear someone calling her keira and said come with me to the basement she pulled his hands from around her and told him to stay away from her and he started telling her sorry and before he could say anything else her mommy came downstairs and said Alex am so glad to see you and came down and hug him and Arista came down in a blue mini skirt and a yellow blouse with a blue slippers and said Hi uncle Alex,  when kiera heard this she got so upset why was her sister calling this pervert her uncle when he is not even related to them and she even gave him a big hug and then Keem came downstairs and said bro I didn't get to spend time with you and  today were going to play some football when we reach the campsite and they do a handshake and then her mom said keke give Alex a hug and welcome him and she had to do it and she felt so down but she had to keep this a secret from her parents so she gave him a friendly hug. Adella arrive and saw the hug and gave her a puzzling look because she didn't know what was happening so she had to text her and gave her an update on everything that happen.  They all got into the black van that her parents only use once a year for camping trips and on the drive to the Sonta Monica Mountain the van was fill with endless jokes and laughter even Kiera got a few jokes, she had promised her self that she wouldn't let another man including "He" to let her feel inferior and lower her self esteem. They finally arrived at the camping site and they all  settled in the huge 20 room Shed that her mother rent annually that is located a few mile up the mountain. Everyone unpacked  their suitcases and take a room that they desire, she thought that Adella would stay in the same room as her but instead she told her that they are alot of rooms here and I would feel claustrophobic but she told her that when she was having sleep overs did she feel claustrophobic and they both laughed and unpack their stuffs in their different rooms then head to pool that the house had an again Adella convince her to wear her Aqua bath suit which  she did but did Kiera really suspected what Adella was thinking? In  Adella's mind the thought of getting the chance to have sex with Alex kept ringing through her mind she wanted to have an experience like the one Kiera has described to her even though she faked crying just to make her best friend feel better but she wish she could experience what Kiera described to her . In ll she was tired of having sex with dumb teen boys she needed a grown man. So she bought a very revealing swim suit and it showed off the little curves that she had, she may not have a big bottom like Kiera but she had an average size one and a minute amount of curves. So when she reached the pool and saw the way how kiera's curve had increase she felt so bad and knew that she had to step up her game. Arista was busy posting snaps on Snapchat and keeping up with the latest trends on Instagram while  Alex and Keem was playing football by the pool  and Adella started doing squats and bending over while Kiera just steered at her in surprised and said to her Della you need to stop that they are men out here with us . She just smiled and told her that what's wrong with a little exercise but Alex saw the squatting and bend overs and thought to himself I didn't notice that kiera's friend was so sexy wish I could put that body of her on a nice backass and show her not to bend over like that again. I wish my wife would do all those things for me those teen girls be driving me crazy and it was not only Alex feeling that way but also keem he had never seen is sister best friend in that way before and her squatts kept repeating in his head but she was more like his little sister and he didn't know if he should let his lust for her get to him but he just continued playing football which he beat Alex by 30 points and Adella was cheering for Alex while kiera was cheering for him this was only because she had to pretend  like everything was good between Alex and her and now with Della here with her  she felt safe her friend who always have her back. Then her mom called them inside for a family dinner and after dinner she started feeling  her stomach hurting her and she rushed to the bathroom and started puking and Della came in the bathroom and ask her if she was ok as much as Della had lowkey been jealous of her friend but she still had sympathy and rub her friends back and Kiera told her that she wasn't feeling well maybe its the Steak and rice that her mom prepared for dinner  so she explain to Della that it was the Steak and Della walked her to her room and told everyone at the table that it was an allergic reaction that she had an everyone went to check on Kiera and told her good night even Alex and that made her feel so scared every time she see him she keeps getting flashback of the night. Della went downstairs to get a Pepsi before going to sleep and to her surprise keem was there and she said hi keem your still up and he said yes I don't think that I can sleep and she ask him what's wrong and he told her that he couldn't stop thinking about a girl but he knew that loving her would break someone else heart and he didn't know if she felt the same and then she told him that he should just tell her how he feels and if she can choose him despite the the consequences then its real love but if its not their love was never meant to be. He  ask her do you really think she would love me and then she said yes she would and then she walked off an he said Della please wait and she turned around and he said your the girl  Della and she said really your a nice guy but your my best friend brother I can't do this to her and he hold her hand and said I love you let's finish this conversation in my room Della and she hesitated at first and then she went with him and they had multiple conversations about love and then his blue eyes meet her hazel eyes and they were stuck staring at each other for a minute until they he made the move and kiss her and then she kiss him back and the memory of her bending over came back to him and he started rubbing her shoulders and she was saying keem I don't think this is a good idea and then he put his finger on her lip and said kiss me let me show you that its right and she did, it was a long time now that she hadn't have sex and her body was desperate for just having it another time and he started gripping her breast and said those licious breast of yours is mine and he said she said its all yours Daddy and he kept rubbing her down and fingering her until she reached her climax and he ask her are you a virgin and she said no and he ask her permission to have sex with her and she gave him and he took  out a condom and put it on and push is pennis in her it was so much pleasure to Della noone had ever made love to her this way she was use to having only hard core sex which she would pretend that she like but deep down it only let her feel insecure about herself. They had sex all night long and Della  felt so satisfied to see that someone had love her the way she thought that Alex loved Kiera. She woke up early in the morning and kiss Keem and he gave her his number and then she went to her bed. The camping trip was filled with singing the kareoke of songs and playing board games and swimming and most of all they had alot of fun and each night Della would sneak in keem's room and in the day they would text and she was always smiling and Kiera couldn't help but realize how much her friend had change and the amount of time she was on her phone it was like she had turn in the bigger version of Arista and she keep ask her whose the mystery guy and she would say noone and then they would both laugh. It was Sunday and the last day of their camping trip and her mom insist that in the morning they had a replica of the Sunday service for two hours and then they will prepare a very delicious barbecue dinner for the entire family and they all enjoy the food and then it was time for them to pack their things together for in the morning and Kiera was packing when she started to vomit again on the floor she went and got a mop to dry it up when she felt someone blindfolded her and lift her up and grabbed her mouth and carried her to the basement and started touching her up and grab her bottom and raped her and her body was filled with so much agony and she fought back with all her strength until she kicked him down and unfold her eyes and saw that it was Alex and he  was unconscious on the floor she started panicking and then he started to revive and gain consciousness and she told him just touch me one more time and next time you will not wake up back and she went upstairs and weep bitterly and said God why this is happening to me lord I need you to help me and she couldn't stop crying while on the other hand Adella was sneaking out to go to Keem room when Alex saw her and had a flashback of her body and grabbed her bottom and hold her mouth and brought her into his room and started kissing her and she said Alex no but he didn't listen he kept touching and then he put on a condom and she tried to fight him but he was heavier than her and raped her all night long and told her that's what little girls got for wear exposing clothes your alluring me to do what am doing and she told him that what ever he his doing to her will not define her and he said I know that you have been sleeping with Keem and I know how precious Kiera is to you if you told anyone about this am going to end your life and ruin your reputation cause I video both of you guys and then he left. Della weep and ask God to forgive her for all she had done and if he help her through this the only man she will have sex with is her husband and then went to sleep. In the morning the girls pretended that nothing had happen and Keem ask Della why she didn't come to visit him and she said she fell asleep but noone knew what she had been through and she couldn't take the consequences of Alex's wrought while Kiera was worried that she would get pregnant and the end of the camping trip was a disaster.

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