Chapter 7 "Captivity "

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      Kiera gain back her  consciousness a few hours later   only to realize that she was in the trunk of a car moving so fast and she heard persons talking and she started to panick. She wish she had kiss her sweetly little girl good bye. She checked to see if her phone was in her pocket but it wasn't. Her kidnapper had taken it away,  she just hope that Adella will tell the police about Alex. The car drove for hours and she was beginning to feel a bit claustrophobic  and hungry.
    Adella checked her watch it was 10:00 pm and kiera had not reach home. She started to worry but she told herself that Keke is a very responsible individual she will be back in the morning. In the morning to her surprise Keira did not come back for Ariel and she started calling her phone but it went straight to voice mail. She started to panick and called Mr and Mrs. Scott to ask if they had seen Keke but they said no.
Her family members contacted the police who said that kiera was an adult and maybe she wanted time for herself. Her family convinced them that she would never do something like that, so they filed a missing person report and printed flyers with kiera and distributed them all around town.
     The vehicle came to a stop and kiera started shaking, her body quivered with fear and someone started pulling the trunk. She was ready to fight for her life. Natalee grabbed kiera and tied up her hand even though she was putting up a fight. They put a board crate over her head and brought her inside. They eventually removed the crate and put her in a room and to her surprise Alex was chained up to the room and another Alex was standing up. She was so confused how could they be two Alex or was he a twin. Natalee chained her to the bed and she told her please, please don't do this to me and Natalee replied that's what you get for sleeping with my husband. Alex said please Natalee she wasn't the one who you should punish. She slammed the door and kiera started screaming , her life flashed before her eyes.  She asked Alex to explained and he told her that when is mom got pregnant at an early age, she had twin babies. She put one up for abortion while she kept one. Her babies were identical twins and he didn't know that he had another brother. He was abducted on his way home from the bookstore in the morning. He had found out that his wife  and his brother had been having an affair.  They both planned to kill him and his brother would gain his identity.  He was so upset and his wife had decided to spare him. From that morning  his twin brother had been living as him and took his place. She told Alex that his twin brother raped her. Days turn into weeks and weeks into months and each days her captivity became worst. She was beaten most days, starved and sometimes raped by Alex's brother who she learned later that his name is "Benjamin". The greatest thing about it was that he used condom even though her body was filled with pain. Alex had to sit and watch someone not only destroying his reputation but cause his true love pain.
      Adella confessed to the police that she was raped by Alex and what he did to kiera. Kiera's family never gave up hope. They believed that she was still alive even though, the detectives had close the case. Alex was place on the most wanted list and his parents couldn't believe that he had the potential to do what he had done to kiera.  Their heart was broken but deep down they felt that  their child was innocent. 
          Benjamin would torcher kiera daily by showing her missing flyers that her mom had put up or let her watch the news about herself. Alex would be torchered when he saw that he was on the most wanted list and he didn't get to meet his precious daughter "Ariel". Each night before kiera goes  to her bed she would pray that God keep her baby girl safe.
   It had been seven years since she had been in captivity  and her daughter was 6 years old now and she wish that she could  get to see how her daughter had grown up to hold her in her arms one more time.
       She was constantly beaten by Benjamin and Natalie. She was tied up daily in chains and when she is on her period, they didn't show her any sympathy she had endure double pain. Sometimes she though about commuting suicide but the thought of her daughter and Alex kept her going. Alex would encourage her daily that they can make and one day they would be free.
    Sometimes she would not be fed for days and she had to pray for God to keep her from dying.She would only get to take a bath once per week and Benjamin would be the one to bathe her and Natalie bathe Alex. She was only allowed to brush her teeth once per day and her teeth's were not as pearly white as they were before. She wished this pain and suffering  will end. She wasn't allowed to sleep in a bed and had to sleep on the floor and only time she sleep on a bed is when she was being raped by Benjamin or have a foursome  with Benjamin, Alex and Natalie. She was glad to feel Alex hands on her but was grossed out by Natalie and Benjamin. They would always have hardcore sex which was new to Kiera.She was tired of eating bread and tuna with no water each day. Sometimes she would even wish she was back home and wish didn't waste all those food she did.
     Her bottom and hip wasn't has large as before and she missed her body and she was Suffering from both Anerexia Nervosa and Bulima, two eating disorders. She felt mostly homesick, Natalie had mood swings and would easily get angry at her for being too sexier than her.  It was an emotional rollercoaster and kiera had to sit back and watch as her friends graduated from college her dreams of becoming a lawyer had fallen into pieces. She was so depress but Alex kept her going by promising that one day they would escape.

Are you heart breaken as kiera?  Do you still hate Alex?
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