CHAPTER 6 "The Recovery"

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        Things were finally turning around for Adella. she was room mates with her best friend Keira and keem was visiting Kiera each two weeks which automatically mean that they would meet at their secret place and he would rub down her belly and said that my sweet baby girl or boy is doing fine. They would text each day and when he tried to touch her she told him the promise she had made with Jesus and she didn't intend to break it. He told her that he would wait until they got married to have sex again and he told her goodbye.
     In the fourth month of college, the law teacher was found in her Mansion by her husband struggling to regain consciousness and the police were suspicious of her husband Benjamin.By the help of God she started regaining her strength but not enough strength to start teaching back and the principal had to find a substitute teacher. They went weeks without finding a substitute teacher and another mysterious event occur again their history teacher Mrs. James was found in the same position as Mrs. Benjamin and the police were confused. The principal of the school decided that the school must go on and so she put out advertisement in the newspaper for a new job post.
      She had gotten alot of application and did over fifty interviews until she picked a couple Mr and Mrs Williams, they were both confident during their interview. She announced to the staff members and student during devotion, that they had gotten new substitute teacher for History and Law. To Adella and kiera's surprise it was Alex and his wife Natalee, and the emotional scars that the had just started to heal from , is  activating again . they each had to pretend on the outside that they were happy but inside they were slowly dying. They had to spend one hour listening to the biggest pretender they had ever known talk about how good he is as a teacher, acting like he and his wife were relationship goals and had won a Grammy for couple of the year.
       It was their first History class with Miss Williams and both girls were nervous because they were rape by  this lady 's husband. Her teaching technique was interesting and gravitated each student to the different topics. She was a white woman with blue eyes, blonde hair and a Stick shape meaning that she had no breast or bottom. Kiera was puzzled for a man who admired her for her curvy body why would he marry that stick shaped lady. The bell rang indicated that they had come to the end of History class and would have to face their nightmare "Alex".
      Kiera struggles with depression and she didn't know how to deal with having Alex as her professor. Adella on the other hand wanted him to see that he didn't break her and cannot stop her future from being bright. He introduced is self  as Mr. Williams and then he proceeds to give the class a few jokes. but being so close to him Kiera had notice a huge difference is eyes were brown but Alex had blue eyes and wasn't interested in contact lense. She just ignored her thoughts and focused on the lessons. His teaching style was unique but persuasive and she learned alot from him.
    Weeks turn into days and for some weird reason he wasn't trying to touch either girls but strictly teaching and pretended that he didn't know them. After dinner Keira started vomiting and this time she was feeling intense pain and she had to tell Adella that she was pregnant. Adella asked if Alex was the father and she said yes after having sex with him the first time I found out that I was pregnant and I didn't know what to do. She continued to tell her how ashame she felt and Della told her, Keke just pray. For the first time in a while she felt free as she prayed to God all night long and he was comforting her. Adella wanted to tell Kiera that either Alex or Keem could be the father of her daughter but she refused to tell her. She knew that the timing was wrong and then want her to be stressed while she was pregnant. 
         They felt so relief  knowing  that they could go back to old times, when they told each other every thing. They were planning to name their kids with names that are close and there kid could even be bestftiends. They all said there goodnights looking at the future brighter and knew that their love can conquer all.
      During the next month of college Kiera belly started to show more and even Adella but they both wear belly pans to let it seems unobvious. They had to miss out on college parties because they couldn't drink. Kiera was constantly comparing herself to other girls who are not pregnant while Adella was looking forward to empower these girls.
      A nice looking dark skin boy approached her and said "Kiera my friend Matthew says that he like you ". She told him that she love confident boys, if he wasn't confident enough to tell her he liked her then she is not interested. His friend told him and he came over and said hey beautiful . They engage in a conversation for hours and exchange numbers.
    They went on a few dates and she wished deep down that she wasn't in the situation she was in. For the first time in her life, she felt love they had been talking for weeks and he didn't even touch her . She felt so loved.
     It was there eight month pregnant and Adella's mom told her that she was keeping a barbecue baby shower for her. She invited Kiera and they both went. The house was crowded with people even Arista and keem was there and Arista said to Adella "It was my deepest desire to be an aunty but my big sister was too holy to let that happen ", Della and Kiera faked laughed and went on their way. The barbecue was filled with laughter and most of all delicious foods. They played games like who can make the best baby from play dough, never have I ever and truth or dare. They were having a blast. Then Kiera started screaming in pain, help, help, help me my body is in pain. The pain was unbearable and she wonder how did her mom manage to have three kids.
       They rushed her to the hospital  and on her way she told her mom that she was pregnant. Her mom fainted and had to be seen by a doctor. Adella hold her hand and said breathe Keke you got this girl. She pushed with all her strength, she was going to carry her baby in this world. After seven hours in labour she finally had a bouncing baby girl which she named Ariel. Her brother was angry and ask her four time, who is the father but she refused to answer. Her mommy was crying because she knew the backlash that the church will give towards her daughter. She knew that she had to be strong for kiera. Both grandparents hugged their child's newborn daughter and said that they will not disowned their child. Her mom offer to baby sit during the day while  kiera go to school.
       Then suddenly Adella started screaming out, my water just broke someone help me and keem lift her up and carried her to the delivery room. He was there trembling he was so scared and wanted his baby to delivered  safely. After five hours in labour Adella gave birth to a baby girl which she named Arraila. She was her peace and joy. She thanked God for bringing her this far. She told him that she will honour her promises.
    Keem was so happy and thought that it was the perfect time to tell his parents. His mom was heart broken by the news but appreciated is level of
maturity to step up to the plate.
kiera was happy that her best friend  baby would be her niece. Adella was fill with guilt because there was a fifty percent chance that her daughter could be keem's daughter and a fifty percent chance that it could be Alex's child. She was so sad for her little baby girl and pray that god will direct her.
   It was their last exam for the semester before they go off on summer break and Mr Williams told her to stay back after class and he told her congratulations with her pregnancy but he didn't want anything to do with her baby and threatened to kidnap her and kill her if anyone knew. She told him the truth will soon be release  and he told her to try him.
    Baby Ariel and Arraila had started bonding over the summer and their mom's were filled with joy. They wanted to support their babies on each journey of thier life. Seeing the way how keem hold Arraila let her decide that Ariel need a father in her life and over the summer break, she tried contacting  Alex several time but he did not answer her for days.
        Until she left a voice message saying that she was going to tell her family and his family. He immediately called her and told her to meet him at Chestnut park     
On wensday at 6:00pm. She told Adella that whatever happened to her she should take care of Ariel. She met him in the park and he said to her " I told you not to  mess with me and immediately she felt someone put a bag over her head from behind and there was a man and a woman laughter and then she knocked out oblivious of where she was

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