Chapter "Bitter sweet "

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        They had been on the cruise heading  to Barbados for about two months and Kiera had so much fun. It reminded her of the old times when she would do alot fun  things with  Adella. She had tasted alot of Caribbean food and they were the best. Her favourite was Ackee and saltfish with rice and peas, she was addicted to these food. Her bond with Carlos had become stronger and sometimes they would do pranks on Benjamin Natalie .
            She would sometimes go out with Alex and then they would wake up together the next morning in the same bed and she would reminice about the night they had with each other . She could never refused a night with Alex alone and he had promise her that when they escaped captivity he would marry her.Carlos and Alex had  turned very good friends and they would sometimes make her jealous by having boys night out.
        Kiera was sleeping when she heard screams on the boat and everyone was acting hysterical and she saw a lady looking like her mom screaming run kiera!  run the ship will soon sink! Escape it all . Kiera's was trembling as she became awaken from her sleep. The nightmare felt so real, she shook off the feeling and went to have breakfast with her friends.She told Carlos and Alex her nightmare and they  told her that her mind was playing tricks on her. They even told her that she was just remembering a scene from Titanic. She fake laugh with her friends but deep down she felt like her ancestors were warning her and she was bound to experience major disaster. She wondered what that dream meant.
      As the ship approached nearer to Barbados  , the captain said "Passengers, ensure that you pack up your luggages, tonight is the last night of our voyage to Barbados, tomorrow morning you will be dropped off in Bridgetown". Kiera felt so exhausted and wished she didn't have to pack so much things together and anxiety lingered in her mind, to what Benjamin and Natalee would do to her once they arrived in Barbados  .
        The dream she had the night before kept repeating in her head. She heard a knocking on the door and open it and there at the door was Carlos. "Carlos why are you up so late, don't you have work on the ship on the ship to do tomorrow? ". "I came to look for you kiera, I can't believe tonight will be the last night I have with you ". There is something I need to tell. "What's that Carlos?  Kiera I love you, I know its selfish of me to ask you to give up what you have with Alex for me but I loved you from the first day I saw you, I don't just love you for your curves or looks but I love you for the kind , intelligent and jovial individual you are. I love you. Kiera stood  frozen in shock that was the sweetest thing anyone as ever said to her, Alex have never profess is love to her like that .
        She didn't know what to say she had become speechless.She didn't want to become stuck between two nice guys who have developed a strong bond together and recognize each other as bestfriends.
      Her body was filled with so much heat, just having him close to her gave her a feeling that was more intense than what she felt with Alex. She wanted him to grab her and show her what it feels like to reach more than her climax. He could read the way she swinged her hips. It was like her hips were calling softly to him and without thinking for a second, he pulled gently to him  and kiss her .
     She wanted it badly, it was a long time she hadn't been touch by a man this way. He undressed her pink lingerie and put his enormous hands around her breast squeezing them tightly, giving her the pleasure that she desired. He use his  hand to squeeze one of her breasts and traced one of his fingers on her belly and rubbed her belly. He traced his hands further to her private part and used his hands to rub against her clitoros  . He knew exactly how to turn her on and it was just there first time. He continued to kiss her and told her that baby am going up to your vagina now. He gently rubbed his hands until it reach her vagina and he pushed his tumb into her vagina. She moaned loudly as the excruiciating  pain hit her .
      She whispered to him "baby boy i want more",. He pushed his hardened pennis on her bottom   , allowing her to feel what her body as done to him.,, "I dont want to go any further he told her i love you too much and respect you ". "My body is yearning for you, dont let me down like this, i really need it",.
          He took out a pack of condom and unwrapped one placing it on his pennis. He lift her up and place her on the bed and told her to open her foot. She parted her legs quickly and he took his time and rubbed is pennis around her vagina tempting her with it. She craved it and wanted it badly,"give it it to me please ", she moaned but he was reluctant to give her. Then slowly he pushed his pennis in her and she screamed in agony of joy for it. He made love to her all night. He rubbed his hands on her side, gribbing her fleshy hips. "lie down on your belly", he said. You have to trust me kiera am going to blind fold you and handcuff you to the bed. He handcuffed her and blindfolded her and started slapping her on her bottom and slide in his pennis slowly into her, thrusting in and out driving her behind ectasy but to paradise. She came seven time for the night with the evidence of  a sticky fluid and he came nine time for the night.
          At approximately 11:00 pm there was a sound over the intercome. Passengers we are encountering some safety issues, please stay calm and stay in your room. Kiera panicked she was handcuffed and blindfolded by Carlos. Could this be a set up, could Carlos be that cruel. 
       Carlos untied the blindfold from her eyes and searched for the handcuff keys but he couldn't find it. He searched for the next fourty minutes but there were no handcuff and water began to fill up her room. This must be a dream kiera thought to herself but it was all reality, her sad reality. She started cursing Carlos, how could he be this stupid.
        Four hours passed and there were screaming in the ship the sound of baby crying,Chilidren, men and women screaming hysterical from fear. Kiera started to pray "Dear God please save me Jesus I know that am a fornicator lord but please save me to fulfill your purpose in my life.  She cried bitterly she will never get to see Ariel again, to kiss her baby girl.
    Carlos ran to get help but he never return and she gave up and decided that she was going to die. Suddenly she saw Alex running with Carlos to the room and the hammered the handcuffed in two but it didn't work. They had to go to the equipment room to get a powersaw which ripped the handcuff into two. The impact of the powersaw was too great for Carlos and knocked him out.
         Keira and Alex tried to revive him but it was useless and soon,  Benjamin and Natalee poped up and grabbed them and put on life jackets on them and brought them to a boat to jump in but kiera fought them and escape. Alex tried but they caught him.
      Kiera saw a boat with a pregnant woman, three children and a men and went on it. She felt heart broken. Her body felt numb, she was now separated from the two love of  her life. Her life was a mess. She knew that she was now freed but what is life without love but looking forward to see her baby girl again gave her great hope......
Thanks for reading Q exotics. XO XO love you all. Remember reading carry you all around the world

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