CHAPTER 10 "A Bliss "

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       We were stranded in the  boat that we went into for safety for months, we were unaware of where the water was drifting our boat,  I tried to give each person in the boat hope that God will help us.I was very thankful to God for saving my life, I could be one of those bodies who have sank to the bottom of the boat but no am still alive. We didn't get time to take food or water with us, so for days we had nothing to eat. The sea water supplied us with a source to quench our thirst though it was very salty. I prayed that we would be rescued or reach shore before the day for my menstrual cycle came.
       "There it is, that's the shore ", someone on the boat shouted. With faith in my eyes I look up to see our boat drifting closer to land. My belly was growling like a hungry lion without a prey to eat. As I drank some salt water, I had a flashback ". 
   Flash back ---------------------------------
It was our annual thanksgiving dinner and my mom spent all week making preparations. The theme of the dinner was "God's Fruitfulness ". My mother decorated our hall with fruit ornaments and Turkey. She even decorated our Christmas tree and put up ornaments on it also even though Christmas was one month away . She invited Adella and her mother over and our entire family members and close friends.
      There were alot of foods placed on the table, such as roost Turkey, stew pork,  Jerk chicken, Fry chicken, Curry mutton, escovietch fish etc with wine cake, red velvet cake, black forest cake, cheese cake etc. My mom had made sorrel juice, fruit juice and placed alot of champagne on the table. We had rice, mash potatoes, pasta etc. It was a big feast.
We exchangedthanksgiving gifts and played alot of family games together. It was my definition of being lit. I ate until my belly was overfull but I hadn't taste the red velvet cake. So I sliced huge piece of cake and placed on my plate while Keem and Azaria gave me Judgemental stares like I was too greedy. I tried my best to eat the cake but I was too full, so I covered it down on the table.
       After the family dinner Adella and I had a sleep over inwhich we gossiped and told each other secrets. I didn't remember about the slice of cake  I left on the table and the next morning my mom was very upset. "You know how many starving kids around the world would wish they could eat this cake ", she said. "Mom I forgot it on the table last night and I was planning to put it in the fridge ",  "one day you will be extremely hungry and wish that you have that red velvet cake to eat ", she said. "Not when I have a mom whose a great cook and baker like you ", I said smiling. "Am not playing with you young lady, throw the plate with cake in the bin ", I did what she said and then went to my room.
   Flash back over -------------------------
       My mom was right,  I should have valued the food we had. Now I wished that I had that slice of red velvet cake to eat. within two days we arrived on the shore to be met by two coast guards."What are you smuggling in our country? ", one said in a very rough tone. I explained everything to him about the ship sinking close to Barbados and how lucky we were. He told us that he heard the news about the ship sinking on the local station but he had to ensure that we weren't lying to him.
         He told all six of us to get in his car because he will be driving us to the police station so that they may confirm our story. "Are we still in Barbados? ", I asked. "No! You are in Jamaica 🇯🇲 the land of wood and water ", he said beaming with pride. Land of wood and water I thought to myself, I just hope they have some edible foods here. After about two hour of driving, we arrived at a building with a sign saying "Harbour view police station ". We all got out of  his car and I thanked him as we walked into the police station. He explained everything to the police officer at the front desk. The police officers made a few calls then confirm that we were on the ship.
     They had a very distinct accent that was different than any  accent that I had ever heard. "You all have to spend a week here in Jamaica before returning back home", he said."You will be staying in Kingston with my dear friend Jasmine ". He told the coast guard an address and then we all went back into his car. After a forty minutes drive the car stopped at a huge pink house with an extravagant garden fill with some of the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen.
     The coast guard blow his horn and a dark skin lady looking like she was in her late forty came out smiling. "You can come into mi yard, there is no dog here", she said. We came out of the car empty handed because we had no luggages, they all sanked in the ship. "Where are your luggages ", she asked staring at us. "They all sanked in the ship ", I replied. "Well what are you all waiting for, come inside ", she said cheerfully.
       We unlocked the enormous gate and walked straight to her house. We went inside her home, it was more beautiful on the inside than the outside with alot highly polish furniture , portraits of herself etc.  Her house looked so luxurious."I'm Jasmin ", she said. We all introduced ourself to her with the pregnant lady introducing herself as Cara and her three  daughters were gemma, Mia and Gabriel and her husband's name is Josiah. "I am going to bring you all  in Halfway tree tomorrow to go shopping ", she said as she led us up the stairs.
       "Are you one big family? ", she asked, "we accept her as a daughter the incident but she is not our biological daughter ", Josiah said. She led me to a room and told me that it was my room. The room was painted in pink with pink cushions, couch and a Queen sized bed. The room was much nicer than my room back home. I went on my bed and took 
a nap I haven't slept for a long time.
       "Dinner is ready! ", miss Jasmine  said. I got up although I felt a bit drowsy and followed her downstairs. A sweet Aroma hit my nostrils as I enter the kitchen. I saw the other five persons sitting around the table waiting to have their dinner. I sat down on one of the three available seats. After a few minutes we were all given a plate fill with food. "This is Ackee and saltfish our national dish with boiled bread fruit, boiled dumpling and cocoa, she said. "I knew that it was Ackee and saltfish because I ate it on the cruise ship ", I told her.
    I finished eating  my plate of food quickly but my stomach wasn't full, I hadn't eat any food from the day the ship sank. The juice taste very refreshing and I was told that it was made of Beet root . It was like miss Jasmine was reading my mind because she gave us Breadfruit pudding and Sweet potato pudding for dessert. Our dessert was so delicious ,  who knew that Jamaican foods could be so great.
       The next day Jasmine told us that she was going to bring us to bath Fountain, one of the most popular resort in Jamaica.She invited  the police officer which we met on the first day. We found out that his name was Emanuel. I didn't have any  swim wear or clothing overall. So in the morning she  brought us to Flirt boutique in  St. Andrew to get some clothing . Emanuel also came along with us.
      Emanuel showed Josiah the most trending Jamaican  clothing for men . While miss Jasmine asisted me and the other four girls to pick out swimsuits and other clothings. I heard that African print clothing were the latest fashion trend, so I bought an orange African print dress. I got a few crop tops, Jean pants, Casual dresses, Sneakers, toothbrush, toothpaste and all the necessities that we need as ladies. She bought phones for Josiah and his wife and also for me.
      We thanked miss Jasmine for helping us financially. She even took us to a Salon to do our hair. I was so glad that I could get rid of the pink Wig that natalie
gave me as a disguise. She had our hair braided and Josiah got the opportunity to shave his hair.After we were all finish doing our hair, Emanuel drove us back to the house where we got dress in our beach dresses and Josiah in his shorts.
We helped Jasmine pack the snacks and meals that she prepared for us to bring to the fountain. I wore my swim suit under my beach dress so that it would be easier for me to change and I brought extra undergarments to wear back home.
    We drove from Kingston to St. Thomas and Josiah gave everyone jokes and the journey was filled with laughter. When we arrive at Bath Botanical Gardens also called "Bath Fountain ", we were told that we could stay an hour at an hotel and swim in a Jacuzzi. We chose to take the journey to the fountain instead because we wanted to stick together.
     On the journey to the fountain we had to climb up a hill which was very tiredsome for me and then we had to descend to a river. A tour guide brought us to river. We quickly change into our swim suits and began to swim and in the water. The water felt so cool on my skin. We played Marco polo in the water and baseball. We had so much fun together. We all took turns under the hot water fountain,  inwhich legends in Jamaica said that they were mysterious creatures that kept the water hot. We had a competition to see who could stay under the water for more than two hour and Emanuel being very brave and fill with endurance won the competion.I could barely stay under the water for two minutes because of how much it pelt my skin.
     Jasmine gave us St. Mary banana chips to eat and it tasted so good. She later gave us rice and peas with curry goat with Callaloo drinks. These exotic foods taste the best and I had to get the recipe to these meals before I go back up.
      Jasmin paid some men with dreadlocks which classify thereself as Rastafarian $200 Jamaican dollar each for us to get  massages. They rub a mixture of minerals on us and use there palms and stones to massage us.My body was a bit tense and needed the Massage to calm me down. The Massage was worth all  of my money because my body felt free after I was finish getting it.
   I enjoyed the day day alot I wish that Adella and my other family members were here to have this experience with me. I can't wait to see what else awaits me in Jamaica. 😘

  I hope you all enjoyed Chapter 10,  I apologize for taking so long to update my book. I had alot of things to do this summer and school begins for me in the next two weeks. Am I the only one who wished that the summer could be extended for a bit longer? Love you all Q exotics
     .                  -Queen exotics 👑

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