Chapter 8 "Revenge"

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After Benjamin saw the news, he started encouraging Natalie that they needed to go to a Caribbean island on a cruise until the search was finished. Kiera and Alex were both very scared what if they never got to see their family again. Benjamin made some fake ID and signed up for the cruise that was going to Barbados. He forced Alex to wear a blonde wig and green contact lens, so that they wouldn't look like twins. Kiera was forced to wear a Pink wig and blue contact lens. He threatened them that if they ever say just one think, he had links on the cruise and would kill them.
Natalie went shopping for them both and got clothes for them to wear on the cruise. The Monday came that they were waiting for and they were escorted into a black van and Natalie drove to the cruise ship. She called her assistant Terry to pick up the van and they all entered the cruise.
Kiera was glad to be allowed to just be alone by herself. There was Caribbean Socca, Calypso and reggae music playing on the ship. Even though these musics were new to her, she was enjoying herself and she started dancing , she was letting loose and everyone on the cruise was cheering her on. She swayed her hips from left to right and Alex and Benjamin was watching her.
Natalie could not take all the attention that kiera recieved and called her, "don't ever do that again unless you want to be thrown over board ", she said to kiera. So kiera went to her room and there was a knock on her door but she didn't open her door . She didn't want to get herself in any trouble, everytime she open a door in her life something disastrous happen. She relaxed in her bed, it was the first time in years she had comfortably slept in a bed. She couldn't wait for the morning to come so that she could enjoy some delicious Caribbean Cuisines.
She prayed to Jesus and asked him to cover her baby girl and to save her from all the wickedness in the world and she prayed for Alex that God will help them to escape these harsh treatment. Over the years she had drawn closer to God because many days she felt like she couldn't go on and just one push from God and she knew that she could. She missed her parents,little sister , big brother, Ariel and Adella. Then tears started to fill up her eyes and she fell asleep .
The next morning she was so glad to start off her day with a Jamaican meal called Ackee and saltfish with fry dumpling and chocolate tea. She ate breakfast twice because her stomach hadn't experience such delights in days and she was very hungry. Then she felt someome's hands on her shoulder,which distracted her from her thoughts.when she turned around it was Natalie. She asked her what she wanted but Natalie only told her that her dress was too revealing to wear on the boat and she should change her clothes. Kiera quickly went back inside her room and put on a baggy jeans and a T-shirt but her curves and bottom was still printing out. No matter what she put on she couldn't hide these stupid curves and they have gotten her in intense trouble. So she just stick to the baggy jeans and wore a blouse that covered her bottom.
Natalie told Kiera to follow her to the pool on the ship and she complied with her orders. When she arrived at the pool there were many bugs in the water and she was told to lie in there for the entire day and if she moved she would be killed. She was so tired of all Natalie's illtreatment, she knew that she deserve more than this, she has her future ahead of her. Tears fill her eyes and her skin was itching her. She had to stay in that messy state even when she was hungry until a pool boy on the ship saw her and inform her that, that pool was for swimming in but the ship only use it when it is Halloween.
She quickly leave the pool and thanked the pool boy for informing her. She could feel is eyes piercing her body as she walked off. The pool boy then shout out am Carlos and she turned around and said and am a mystery woman and blink her eye. She hurriedly went to her room and had a bath. She was tired of Natalie . She decided that if Natalie is willing to be a player of games then she is willing to be the coach. Its time for pay back, her body was yearning for revenge and she knew just how she will obtain that.
She knew that Carlos woupersonality e access to the rooms in the ship . She needed to become friends with him inorder to stage her revenge on Natalie and Benjamin. So for the next few weeks on the cruise she started flirting with Carlos enough to make him trust her.She asked him if he could do some favours for her and he said for you Mystery lady I will solve a case and the laughed until they started crying.
Carlos was a nice guy he had blonde hair, blue eyes and a great personality and he was white not to mention is arms that were full with muscles.Kiera Kiera she saw a hand waving infront of her face, stop zoning out on me. She told him that she was just watching a Dolphin in the ocean, one of the dumbest excuses.Carlos being very concieted said to her you sure your not day dreaming about my muscles. Kiera told him that those muscles are not even evident. "Stop trying to cramp my Ego "Carlos replied. She just ignored him and told him that they need to come up with some plans for a revenge. He told her anything you want "mystery lady ".
The next day they meet again by the Halloween pool to discuss their plan and while they were talking Kiera saw a familiar face passing by it was "Alex". She didn't want Alex to think that there was something going on between Carlos and her. But that thought was a minute too late he had turned around to see her and Carlos talking. "Hi Kiera, I haven't seen you on the ship from we arrived on it" said Alex. "I guess I was too busy enjoying these Caribbean Cuisines " she replied. "Are you sure about that keke or maybe you find one cuisine that you cannot get enough of". Then she said Alex this is my new friend Carlos and Carlos this is Alex. They shaked each other hands and then Kiera went on to tell him about her revenge plan.
Alex said that he wanted to be apart of it because he knew is wife or should he say now that his ex wife. He knew her weaknesses and he knew exactly how to get back at her. She is allergic to strawberries and peanuts. She is also fraid of bugs and spiders.
When it was almost dinner time Alex found a way to trick her in having a group dinner with all four of them. Carlos sneaked into the kitchen and blend some strawberries and told his friend Sarah that it should be mixed into the champagne that the lady in the yellow dress ordered. They all sat around a table together and Kiera was very nervous. Whenever she felt nervous she would always laugh but not in this case she may become punished for doing so.
She wore a pink loose fitting dress because she didn't want Natalie to send her back to change her clothes. She accessorized her outfit with a neon heel and neon purse. The conversation at the table was that they should never reveal their identity to anyone else. Natalie even went as far as telling them that she will be making schedules for them each.
The waiter had finally arrived with their fry fish and bammy with fries and vodka. Natalie took two sip of her vodka and became very hysterical. I can't feel my hands and my face feel like its swelling Alex pass my allergy pills. Everyone in the restaurant within the ship started vidoeing and started laughing noone showed her any empathy. Kiera felt very bad lowkey but she was glad to finally get justice.
Alex found the pills and waited for an entire minute before bringing it to her and told her to get some tea before taking the pills. While Benjamin sat there without saying a word. He placed a bug in her tea and as she started sipping it she saw the bug and started to scream, "somebody save me! ", They rushed her to the mini hospital in the ship and the nurse gave her an injection and some coffee so that the vodka wouldn't have a greater impact on her. Natalie's face was swollen and her lip were very huge and looked stuffed with silicone. Benjamin lift up Natalie and brought her to their room.
As soon as Kiera reached her room she started laughing, she was the Queen of revenge and now knew how good it felt. She laughed until tears rolled down her eyes and then she called Carlos and Alex and told them that it was a job well done. Alex asked her if he could spend the night to celebrate but she told him that she felt a bit tired.As she started to pray she felt full with guilt and asked God to forgive her. Then went to her bed, finally Natalie got a double taste of her own medicine.

Do you feel sorry for Natalie or your glad that kiera got her revenge. Remember to vote a comment. Love you all Q exotics.

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