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Hello my dear friend, here we start...
Ps: Sorry for my bad grammar.

Today is a new day here in the Castel, we are all at breakfast talking and joking like every time until Allura take our attention: "Paladins, today we will do a new bonding exercise!" She seem really entusiastic about that but we are pretty the opposite... Why?
Welp, we've secret in our past dark or not... Hunk and I have a really dark past and if the team, especially Shiro, find out about it... It will be terrible.
Everyone groan in annoyance about the news but Shiro, he stand there emotionless, he looked really cool and kinda hot... Gosh, poor my Bi me...
Anyway I decide to play dumb to light the mood and make seem like everything is normal: "Well Princess if you want know more about me we could go out for a date." I smirked and made finger gun at her, Allura only rolled her eyes and began again to talk, the others just ignor me like always: "Anyway, we will star after breackfast." With that we restart to eat.
My best friend and I share a look hoping that everything will be fine.

Time skip/ LANCE POV
We go to the training room, there is a weird machine with a chair and a elmet, near there is a screen, Coran start to explain what we will do today: "One of you will sit on the chair and, after the machine will be on, we will be able to see your past or at least a part, it will be really random and it wouldn't hurt don't worry." The Altean man finish to said: "Now... Who want to start?"The Princess ask us with a smile of  encouragement but it don't work really well, we all stay in silent until Shiro speak :" I will go first." He said while walking up to Allura: "Thank you Shiro to give the good example." With that Shiro sit down on the Altean chair to wear the elmet, when Coran give the ok to Allura, she press a botton and Shiro fall asleep quickly.
He is so gourgerus... When he sleep.
We go to the screen and the show started.

Thirt person
The screen turns on:
It isn't a cute moment from when our dear Black Paladin was little or a teenager, in the memory he is in a office of the Garrison, in front of him there is Iverson and man dress in black from the Governament:"You are Takashi Shirogane right?" The man in the black suit asked:"Yes. What you want from me?" Shiro  said with a strong and firm voice:" You are the best soldier here and we have a job for you." Shiro seem a little interest in the proposal:" What job?" The man in the black suit passed dossier to him and Shiro open it:"The case of the Blue Ghost? It's that criminal who have been destroing every group of mafia and gang in the Center of America." Shiro said while looking at photos and documents, leaving the man in surprise:" You know a lot about him?" Shiro place the dossier on the desk:" The news talk only about him. But what do you want from me about him?" The man let out a little sigh:" He is a really big problem for us. We don't have anything on him... Age, name, family he is a ghost, we only know one thing about him he is hispanic male, maybe a teen, but nothing more. We are forming a team of the strongest man and woman everywhere in America. We don't have a Leader for the team and we want you for this role. Do you accept?" Shiro with no hesitation respond:"Yes sir." The screen became black.

Everyone but Lance and Hunk are a little shocked:" What is the Blue Ghost?" Allura and Coran are really confused about it, after all they never heard of him until now:" It's like a spirit or a something made of pure energy?"Coran ask curious making Pidge, Hunk, Keith and Lance start to launch, leaving the two Altean more confuse, Pidge calm herself down:" No, he isn't a spirit, he is a human who, back on the Earth, had stopped a lot of group of really bad criminal who the justice couldn't stop. The incredible thing is that he never killed anybody." their talk are interrupted by the screen turning on again.

Shiro is at the feet of a skyscraper, he is speaking in a walky talky:" Where is Blue, Alex?" from the other part it can be heard a man's voice:" We manage to block him from the windows of 30th floor, he don't have anyway for escape!" Alex seems really enthusiastic while Shiro is smiling:" Finally after 2 years of work we will capture him!" But his happiness is stop by another voice of a male from walky talky "Sorry Papi, usually I am all for handcuffs but not today." Shiro stop smiling:" Blue?! How can you use our line?!" Blue doesn't responde to that, Shiro is looking up to the skyscraper where the criminal should be and he see a incredible scene, Blue break the window and jump from the building screaming:" ASTA LA LATER FUCKERS!" Shiro is in shock, he is thinking that is the end of the Blue Ghost until a little helicopter with a rope come near the boy. Blue grab the rope when he is almost touching the ground, the helicopter never go up, in fact  Blue is going straight to Shiro, to take him:" Blue! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!"  Shiro is freaking out while he is up in the sky, Blue only give away little laugh: "Sorry Papi, I will be away for awhile and I couldn't go away without say bye to you." They stop on the top of a buiding, Shiro try to call his mates but Blue block him:" No, Papi this isn't fair." Shiro have his hand blocked from the other boy behind his back, he can't move, Blue isn't taller but he is more strong of him:" What do you want from me?!"  Blue smile:" Only this." Blue press their lips together, after some second from the vehicle someone said:" Blue. We have to go!" Blue separate them:" Yeah! Sorry Yellow." He climb on the helicopter leaving Shiro here who is red like the Red Lion, the screen turn off and Shiro wake up from his sleep.

I just wake up from the machine, remembering that kiss made my heart beat faster.
I look up to my team mates, they are all shocked, even Keith he know that I was in that team but I never told him about the kiss, but Lance and Hunk... they are acting oddly like Hunk has a little smirk on his face meanwhile he is looking at Lance ,who is... blushing??? Why?

Before someone could say anything the castel began to shake:" Paladins we are under attack!" I got up from the chair:" Alright guys! Go to your Lions", everyone nod.
I run up to my lion, Black open up to me and we enter the battle.

Time skip. After the battle-SHIRO POV
In the end we win the battle. I already check on Keith, Pidge and Hunk they aren't injured, now I am going to Blue's Hangar to control Lance.
When I enter in the room Lance isn't here but Blue is here, maybe he is already in his room. Before I could even turn around  in my head I heard someone voice:"Black cub wait!" I look up to Blue:" Blue? Is that you?"  Her eyes glow yellow:" Yes. Now please help my cub! He is injured! " What Lance?! She open her mouth and I run inside, on the chair lay Lance unconscious, he is bleeding on one of his side and he has already lost a lot of blood. I pick him up bride style and run to the control room.

" Hey Shi- OH MY GOD LANCE!" Hunk look at me in panic, Keith run up to me:" What happen?!" "There isn't time for explanations he need a pod. NOW!" We all run to the medical bay, while Coran and Allura are setting the pod, Hunk and I are changing Lance, I notice that he have a beautiful body really defined muscles, it is really strange I never see him train a lot... UGH! Not now gay thoughts!
We put Lance in the pod, I sit down next to him Pidge got up to me:" Shiro, what happen?" I shake my head:" I don't know. The only thing I know is that I entered in the hangar, I couldn't found him so I was going away but Blue talked, asking me if I could help him." Allura look at me in shock:" Wait... The Blue Lion talked?!" I am confuse from her reaction, after all the Lions are sentient:" Yes, her voice echoed in my head. Why?" I ask:" Well only Paladins with a really strong bond with their Lions can talk to their paladins or the others. It took some years to the old paladins to do that... but to Lance took just some months." We are surprise, Lance isn't a bad paladin, he just messed up some times but be able to do this... is incredible:" Well... That don't surprise me." We all look at Keith:" What you mean?" Pidge ask, Keith look at us confused: "You never saw Lance train alone in the night?" We all shake our head as no, I never heard him train in the night, but that would explain his muscles:" One night after I went out for a walk and I heard someone in the training room, I went to see and I founded Lance fight like I never saw him, he was versus two gladiators but he was making parkour to dodge the attack like flip back and he was jumping on the wall. He took him 10 minutes for kill them." We are more in shock than before from this information, now I am asking if we really know Lance McClain? Don't get me wrong he is a good fighter but we never saw him do something like this or parkour:" Guys... Do you think we really know him?"  I look at Pidge:" Don't think I don't trust him, I do trust him a lot but... Recently he is act strangely like... He seems more distant or more serious than usual." She made a little pause collecting her mind: "Sometimes in his eyes there isn't the light of Lance. One time he was lost in his thoughts while we were in the kitchen whit Hunk, he was playing whit a knive turning it in his hand and at some point he asked at Hunk to throw a space fruit, Hunk did what Lance said and he closed his eyes and throw the knive sticking the fruit and the knive on the metal wall." Hunk let out a sigh:" Yeah I remember that." Pidge continue:" Another time I was working on a project and it wasn't going well, Lance came to check on me and noticing my distress he looked down to my calculations, he hummed for a while and then told me 'You made a mistake here.' Pointing at the piece of paper." Keith let out a giggle:" Lance good with math? It's seems a really good joke." I sigh Keith is as always Keith:"I thought that too! Then I looked at it and he was right! After his advice the project was perfect.".
We staied in silent some time thinking about what we just learned... until Hunk said:" Guys don't worry about Lance it's just this war make him act in this so serious way. For the story of that night, Keith, he loves parkour and he did it a lot back on the Earth, probably he is trying to find a way to use it during the battle and, Pidge, he know how to throw a knive because he learnd that from one of his older brother and he is more smart than you think! He listen to our conversation on engineering." I  always thought that Lance is more intelligent than he say: "So don't worry he his our Lance." Hunk made a smile, I sigh:" If you say so Hunk, you know him better here." Hunk nod:" Anyway guys now go to rest, you too Princess. It was a stressful day." Coran said, with that everyone left the room, I give a last glance at Lance before of turning away.

I finally arrive in my room and the first thing I do is sigh:" Today I manage to cover you but I think they will found out, am I right Blue?".

And for now is the end guys. See you at the next chapter!!!

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