Shiro's emotion

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Hello dear dudes. Here we go whit the new chapter.

I can't sleep, I decide to go by Black, it's nice to talk with him even if I still can't bond with him like Lance did with Blue.
I enter in the Hangar:" Hey Black." He lower himself to make me go inside. I sit down in the chair:" So... I want to tell you somentingh about today." I made a little pause:" Well after the bonding exercise there was that battle and Lance was injured... When I toke him in my harms I felt my heart began to crack..." I fell a little stupid even if this isn't the first time I do this, after all I am like talking alone.
In my mind come Lance... I am thinking about him talking and laughing about his family while remembering the nice days on Earth inside Blue... It does me blush, my heart beat faster and fell the butterfly in my stomach:" Fuck... Am I in love with Lance? For real?" I take my head in my hands:" I know I am gay... But Lance? Our Lady-man... He will never love me back." I am felling tears in my eyes... I am having a break down.
I start to cry, my sobs filled the room while my head is exploding with negative thoughts but then I fell a growl of comfort between the caos in my brain, I open wide my eyes:" Black?" I only fell more growl, I am felling better:" Thanks you. Now I will go to sleep. Good night Black." I fell a little smile rise on my face while I could fell Black saying good night to me.
I think this is a good start.

Five day later

I am thinking about my felling, I need to tell someone, so I decide to go to talk with Keith... He is my little brother after all, the only one who I can talk about this things:" Hey Keith. Can we talk?" "Yeah, sure." We go in my room and settle on the bed: "I think... I think I love Lance..." Keith watch me and let out a little smile: "It's a good thing. I am really happy for you." "Yeah. But he... will never love me back! He is straigh as fuck!" I heard him giggle:" What do you have to giggle?" I ask him a little angry: "Sorry sorry, but he never said that he is straigh, he could be bi or pan, even gay maybe! After all he flirt with all species of the universe. So don't worry." I only look at him not knowing what say:" The only advice I have is get to know him."
Keith just left the room after more talking about random things and I am left alone with my thoughts.

I go in the kitchen after the talk with Shiro, there is Hunk who was baking while take something to drink:" So, Keith, how is Shiro?" I am sipping my space coffee :" He is ok." He close the bakery and look over me with a serious face:" I know he've a crush on Lance" I choke on my drink, how the fuck does he know?
" W-what?" I struggle to spit out:"Keith, I am not stupid. I saw how Shiro was looking at Lance body while we were changing him in the suit for the pod, he was like me and the food." I just look at him after I have finally took control of myself back:"So what will you do?" I ask to Hunk:" Me? Nothing." I am confused:" Nothing?" I ask him, he just shrug:"Yeah. Everything will work out." He come near me and his look become more... more dark:" But I want you tell Shiro one thing... If he will hurt Lance in anyway he will pass a bad time." Ok...Now I am scared of him, I never would expect that Hunk could be so scary, I only nod considering that any words just die in my throat:" Good." He smile at me like nothing just happen to go back to clean the kitchen , I just stood there.

Pidge enter in the room:" Hey guys, L- Woah Keith are you ok? You look bad." She stop looking at my face that, I am assuming, it's pale: "Yeah, I am fine. What do you need?" I ask her trying to changing the topic:" Oh yes! Lance will be out of the pod in a few minutes." After she explain that we run in front of the pod and in not so much time Lance fall out of it in Shiro arms.

I wake up in someone strong arms, opening my eyes, while trying to adjust them to the strong light of the room, I see Shiro beautiful l face, he is holding me while smiling:" Hey Lance." Felling a little blush on my cheeks:" Hey..." I got, sadly, out of his embrace and Hunk run up to me to crush me into a hug:" You dork! Never do that again!" I hug him back:" Don't worry bud, I am fine." .
After I change in my normal clothes I go into the kitchen with the others to eat something, Allura look at me worry: "What happened in the Lion, Lance? Your wound was from a blade but you never came out of the Lion while we were in battle." I take my hand under my chin and start to think about it, even if everything is a little confuse I manage to collect my thoughts:" Oh yes! Two Garla Soldier entered in Blue but I killed them and kick them out of the her. Not a big deal." The other are pretty shocked:" Not a big deal?! You were almost dead if Shiro wouldn't found you, you couldn't be here!" Uff... Pidge is so drammatic:" Yeah so??? It isn't the first time. Anyway I will go to take a nap." I got up from my chair and ready to leave the room but someone grab my wristy, it is Shiro:" Lance... Stay more careful and for anything you can talk to me, ok?" He said with that deep and caring voice that I love: "Sure." I made a little smile and he let go my wristy.
I go back to my room, after the door is close I fall down on my bed and start to blush hard:" Fuuuuuuuuck! I love him so much!" I start to talk alone:"Maybe we could tell him and the rest of the team?" I shake fast my head:"No no no... He was one of the group who had to capture us. He will arrest us." Someone knock to my door, interrupting my speech to myself: "Lance it's me, Hunk"He said before I could ask: "Come in" Hunk enter in the room and sit with me on the bed:" So what you want to do?" I let out a sigh:" I don't know." He place a hand on my back:" We could tell them?" I got up:" What?! Are you insane?! They could lock us in a cell and take us back on the Earth and arrest us!" I said in panic: "Well... Yeah but I think they will found out at some point!" I look down worried:" Blue. If you aren't ready now we can wait but they are starting to see something is strange. So stay careful."
"Ok, Yellow. Don't worry." I scrach my neck:" I will take a nap. See you later."I salut him: "Bye." Hunk leave the room, I lay down on the bed and allowing the sleep to take me.

The first time we meet (ShiroxLance)Where stories live. Discover now