Welp all out

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Halo! Here we go whit the new part of this crazy shit.

We went to the control room:" Paladins we have a distress call from a near planet! The Garla are attacking them." Coran told us:" Alright guys go to your Lions!" All of us were running to the Lions but I stopoed Lance:" Be careful, ok?" He smiled sweet at me:" Don't worry love." He gave me a quink kiss on the cheek before running away.
I went to Black and we started the battle.

Time skip/ SHIRO POV
After we destroied some Garla ship the battle we went on the planet, everything was ok.
There weren't to many but something seems odd, I decided to keep to my guard up.
At some point I saw Lance ran off inside a tall building, I decided to follow him:" Lance what wrong?" "I heard someone asking for help, it's sound like a child!", we went inside and start to look for the child at each flor, at the twenty flor we found it:" Hey little one, we are here for help you." Lance said picking the child in his arms:"Now w-" I was interuped by someone clapping:" Oh this scene is so sweet." We look at the source of the voice, Lotor with at last fifty soldier:" Lotor!" I went in a defensive to protect Lance and the child:" Chill, Black paladin I want only say something to you about you dear Blue paladin." What? Lance? I staied in silent:" I have heard about his big and amazing family but... they are all dead. Right Blue?" What hell?! He was trying to mess up with us:" Shiro, take the child." Lance tone was serious and really scary, I took the child in my arms and Lance faced Lotor:" Ohhh I make you angry Blue?" Lance looked at him in the eyes:" If you know about that you should know about my abilities." Lance said dangerously but before Lotor manage to respond Lance took his arm and throwed him at the other soldiers:" Capture him!" Lotor shouted angry, Lance ran to me and took my hand jumping from the windows:"ASTA LA LATER FUCKERS!" That sentence... "LAAAAAAAANCE! WHAT THE HECK?!" While I was in panic and the little alien was scarred hiding his face in my chest Lance was calm, I could even see the happiness in his eyes:" Hey Hunky could you come to take us?" He asked to the com:" Ugh Lance. I am coming." I heard Hunk responded calm, while Pidge and Keith were in panic seeing us fall from a building, in a little in front of us stood the Yellow Lion whit a robe, Lance grabbed it and took us to the ground, the Garla were retracting but not before to shot a bullet Lance, taking him in the stomach, he fall on the ground:" LANCE!" I took him in my arms with the child, who was still with us:" Voltron! Return to the castle!".

We had just put Lance and the child in the pods.
It. Was. The. Caos.
The other were asking me and Hunk what happened during the battle but I was in silence until I realized why what Lance had done was so familiar:" Hunk." The silence fell:"Is Lance the Blue Ghost?" They all froze:" What are you saying Shiro! Lance could nev-" "Yes, he is." The other:" WHAAAAT?!" And started to do random question:" Guys! Calm down!" The silince fell again:" I will explain everything but please calm down.".

We all seated down in the dining room:" Now I will start, at the end you will make the question:
Lance came to live with me and my moms when we were twelve, we know each other from when we were born... We were, are and will be brothers even if the world will end. Everything was fine, we were happy until, when we were fourteen, a gang came in our neighborhood and every months they took part of our money.... With that we builded up a lot of debts and we couldn't pay the rent of our house. But one day everything changed, the gang disappearded and everyone had back their money of the past five months and even more! After some time the News start to tell a unknow man started to destroy the gangs and the mafia of all Cuba and of the America too, they called him the Blue Ghost because anyone who ever saw him and some survivors said he wear a blue suit and his eyes were a vibrant electric blue. It's was strange because everytime the Blue Ghost had attack some gang or mafia Lance wasn't at home and when he returned he had some money, one time our moms asked were he got them and he responded he start to make little jobs, they believed him but not me, I knew to well Lance and I knew when he lie, so I decide to confront him...

FLASHBACK/ 3° person
"Hey Lance, can we talk?" Hunk entered in his room:" Sure." He close the door and seated on the bed:" So what you need?" Hunk took a moment:" Lance... Where you take that money?" Lance smiled at Hunk:" I already told you buddy, I wor-" "I know thats a lie. WHERE. YOU. GET. THAT. MONEY." Lance loose his smile and became more serious:" I can trust you with my life, Hunk?" He nod:"Yes, of course." Lance looked away:" I... I am the Blue Ghost.... That is how I get that money, by putting my life in danger." Hunk was a little shocked but not to much, after all he suspected that:" Ok." "Ok? Seriously Hunk?" "Yeah, I already suspect that a little..." Lance only nodded:" So you will denunce me?" " WHAT?! NO!" He looked at his friend:" Really?!" "Yeah. I like what you do..." Lance hugs Hunk:"Thanks you!" Hunk smiled at the friend:" But.." He broked the hug:" How you do that?" "Well, it's hard to explain... But I can show you!" They went down of the stairs:" Hey Mami can we go out?" "Sure, but return before of dinner." The two went outside and Lance guided Hunk in the forest, they stopped at infront of a tree, Lance kneel and opened a little trapdoor:" Come inside." They used a little ladder to arrive in a big room:" What is this place?" Lance turned on the light, in front of them stood a big room with a desk and a lot of projects: "It's a old bunker, anyone found it until me, there were still a lot of weapon and things like that." Hunk give a good look at the projects, they were weapon:" Woah! This weapon are so cool! Who made them?" Lance looked at Hunk whit a wtf look:" Me? Duh." Hunk gasped in surprise:" How?! I never see you do anything about engineering, You didn't even help me and the uncle whit the car!" Lance sigh:" Hunk... my father was a engineer I know a lot about it, plus you know how much I am smart." "Yeah, sorry. I was just surprise!" Lance smiled and placed a hand on the shoulder of the friends:" Don't worry. Now wanna see one of my baby on action?" Hunk eyes became more bring:" Heck yeah!"

I am shocked from that... Lance begin a genius:" After that, I became the one know as Yellow, I just make the weapon better, help him with plans and information. I never jump in action, even if I have the strength for it, but Lance never let me. I coordinate the plan usually and came to pick him up, like that night." I could see the face of the other, especially Shiro, he was shocked yes but he don't seem scared or something like that:" Do you have question?" Keith look up at Hunk:" Yeah. You are our enemy?" "KEITH!" We all shout:" What?!" "No guys he is right. And no we don't, we help innocent people never harm them and we would never hurt our Space family." Keith calm down:" Good but you two do something of bad and I will in person stab you." Hunk only nod:" So... Lance is like a genius? What he could do?" I asked curios:" Mmh... Well he his a engineer, the weapons he used were all made by him using old weapons he found in that bunker old piece from car and other things , he made the guns shoot light bullets thats destroyed after the impact, he was working on some laser gun too! He manage to made one but he never use it on a mission because he never get the change, he do bombs and vehicle too, the helicopter you had see in Shiro's memories was made by me but the project was made by him. And he hack multiple times in Government servers for information or well... got them in person." I was really surprise I have to ask him about it:" Hunk you know you are confessing everything?" Shiro ask:" Yeah but we are a team, no secrets. Plus you don't want your boyfriend get in prison for life?" Shiro smile:" Heck no!" we start to laugh.

Time skip 3 weeks/ SHIRO POV
It was the middle of the night, I couldn't sleep so I seated under the pod of Lance. It have been three week and he didn't come out... I was really worried. Luckily the little alien child made it, he was a boy of six years old, his name was Eros, he had short white hair, light green skin and big blue eyes... He said his family was dead I was thinking about adopt him but I had talk to Lance about it...
I heard a sound near me, the pod was opening up! I shoot on my feet and grabbed Lance who was falling out of the pod:" Hey Lance." He slowly open his eyes and looked at me sweetly:" Hey Kashi..." I made him stood helping him, I didn't know what to say, he was still my Lance, the man I love but... I don't know why I felt so under pressure, he noticed that and patted my head giving me a kiss on the cheek:" Hunk told you everything huh?" I looked away nodding only:" Don't worry my dear we will talk about it later I wake up from my nap." I nod. We arrive in his room:" Good night Kashi, I love you." He kissed me on the forehead:" Good night Lancey, love you too." The door close I decided to go to check the little Eros, who now staing in my room:" Hey Eros." I said softly, he was sleeping I smiled and laid in the bed whit him, I felt him shacking it seems he was having a nightmare, I decides to hug him and he seem calm him down.

Now they know everything... They will kick Hunk and I off the ship... Shiro will never love me again.... Whit that in my mind I started cry until I falled asleep...

Welp it's all out now, what will happen?

The first time we meet (ShiroxLance)Where stories live. Discover now