Eros's "home"

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A month after lance and Hunk secret was out
Now everything is out finally I can use all my abilities! And I can really work with Hunk and help him, make projects too!
It's make me fell more relaxed.
And I have a amazing boyfriend! Who, after I came out of the pod and we talked about my secret, ask me if we could adopt Eros, the kid we saved on that mission.
We decide to seek his parents, after we some time if we don't find them or we found that they are, sadly, dead we will official adopt him.

In this period I am so happy!
Shiro enter in my workshop, after my secret was out and I can finally go back to work on my project I ask at Allura if I could turn one of the room in a place to do my work:" Hey babe." Shiro said kissing me on the head:" What are you working at?" I am doing a new project and probably my biggest:" A space ship! It was my dream to build one!" Shiro smile at excitement:" What about you? And where is Eros?" He sigh:" I was looking for his parents." He seems sad:"And?" "And I found his father. He is alive on their home planet." I am happy for Eros, now he can go back to his family, but I can see too why Shiro is sad, we grow fond of the child:" Hey, Kashi..." He look up at me and I give him a kiss on the lips:"Are you sad because we have to let Eros go?" He a little shameful nod:" You know... I really love that kid too but we have to leave him go, only God knows how much he is suffering for his missing son! And we could always go to visit him in the future." he smile at me, knowing that I am right:" Yeah. You are right." I hug him ad give him a kiss:" What about we go talk to Eros?" He nod and we go to find Eros.

He is in the living room playing with the mices:"Hey little one!" He smile and run up to me:"Lance! Shiro!" I smile and I pick him up:"We have good news!" Shiro say smiling:" We found you parents!" From his joyful expression he pass to a scare one:"N-no they are dead." We are confuse, yeah he told this at Shiro when he got out of the pod but we thought maybe the Garla told him that:"No Eros, they are on your home planet Zerif." I said trying to convince him that we are telling the truth: "We will be there in a few minutes. Get ready." He doesn't reply, I let him down and he go slowly in his room to get ready. Shiro and I are a little worried of his reaction so we decide to go with him, if anything is wrong we will find out.

We land not far from the city, and with a little vehicle of my invention we go at Eros house. It is little, in a bad state too... We grow more and more worry. We knock at the door and a alien who look... drunk??? Open the door to us:" Who are you? What you want?" I let Shiro speak:" Hello mister! We are the paladins of Voltron! I am the Black Paladin and this man with me is the Blue Paladin." He look confuse at us:" Why the paladins of Voltron should come at my home?" We smile, and make come Eros in front of us, for all this time he was been hide behind our legs:" Well mister we found your son on one of our missi-" Soon he heard the word 'son' he look down seeing Eros and his expression change in a angry one:" What are you doing here, you little shit?!" Before we could do anything he take Eros for his hair and take him by force inside of the house, closing the door, we immediately start to heard sound of a fight, the cries of Eros and his father shouting in their language.
Shiro move quickly throwing down the door, Eros is injured and crying on the floor while his father took a pause from the beating to look at use:" Go away!" "No fucking way we will do that! Now leave alone Eros and give him to us!" Shiro shout, the man look at us like we we are crazy:" Why would you take a piece of thrash like him?! Now leave!" I move quickly and I take the man for his shirt:" Don't talk in this way about our son!" And I throw him at the wall, I take Eros in my hands and we ran at the vehicle but we stop when we heard that man shout:" Take him with you fags! You are disgusting, just like that brat! I hope all of your family are dead because you don't deserve one!!!" Now this is the last straw.
I give Eros to Shiro, who look at me worried, I slowly start to walk at the man:" What you wan you fa-" I kick him in the stomach letting him go down on the floor:" You know what you don't deserve? To be alive" In his eyes I can see the fear:" W-what are you going to do? Kill me?" I smile: "I will do much more worse." I turn my face at Shiro, with death and sadism in my voice I said to him:" Honey. Take our child to the castle! I need to talk with this gentleman!" He seems worry for me:" But Lan-" I interrupt my boyfriend:"Please Kashi. Go." I said with a more serious tone, he finally understand and direct himself at Castle.
"Now. The real fun begins."

I quickly go back to the castle.
And went to find Coran:" Oh Shiro! Nice to-" He notice the poor kid in my arms:" What happen to the little Eros?! Where is Lance?" "I will explain everything later, we need to put Eros in a pod!".
And now I am with all the team in front Eros pod, I am setting on the floor near the pod and my brother set down too:" Shiro. What happen?" Keith ask me worried placing a hand on my back, I took a big breath:" We went to Eros's house, knock and waited. A alien opened the door, he was drunk and asked what we wanted. When he saw Eros he just took him by his hair and throw him inside, starting to beating him up." The team gasped in shock:" We manage to save him. Luckily." I sigh sadly looking at the pod, Keith immediately stand up:" I am going to beat the hell out of that peace of shit!" He was going to the exit of the room furious about what happened to his nephew but I stop him:" Don't Keith! Lance is already doing it apparently..." "Maybe he will need some help." He is stubborn like always:" Trust me Keith. If Lance is on it means that man really pissed him off and he isn't one of mercy with this things." Hunk explain: "If you go there you will have nightmares." He add, so Keith let out a sigh and seat down again:" What did he said to upset so much Lance?" Pidge asked me:" He said that he hoped that our families are dead." I respond:" Yeah... That really trigger him. But don't worry, he will not kill him just give him a lesson." Hunk said while he left the room with Pidge.
The others stayed there a little longer until I am alone with Eros in the pod.

It took me long time, I know.
Some of the others story are in progress, and maybe other chapters will come out.
Anyway, sorry for my grammatical errors and bye!

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