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While Alex and Shiro are talking- HUNK POV
Keith and I are seeking for Lance, he isn't in their bathroom with Eros so I assume that it was only a quick shower, now we are in front the doors of Blue's Hangar:" I will talk with Lance, eventually could you leave?" I gently ask Keith, I don't think Lance would be comfortable to talk with him here:"Ok." He nod firmly.
We enter in the room, Lance is here with Eros who is talking to Blue, my friend notice us:" Oh! Hey guys." Lance salut us, Eros now notice us too:" Hi uncle Hunk! Hi uncle Keith!" He said with energy before to run to us, Keith immediately take him up in his arms:" Hi Eros." He said to him, I have to say when that newborn named Sole was here Keith didn't know what to do maybe because she was to little but with Eros he is great, maybe because he's his nephew? Anyway I need to focus:" Hi Lance. Listen we need to talk... Alone." I whisper the word 'alone' to not alarm Eros, Lance get what I am saying:" Eros, honey, what about you go with uncle Keith for a while?" He said to his son who now his confuse:" What? Why? I want to stay with Blue..." The child respond sad:" I can take you to Red. And if your father allows me I can make you take a ride." Keith said to convince him and it worked:" Yay!" Eros said throwing his hands up in the air:" Ok. You can take a ride with Red." Lance sigh with a smile, he can't say no when Eros is so happy:" Mullet, if something happen to my son you are dead." He revolve his attention at Keith, always with a smile but this time with a really scary one:"Yea yea don't worry." Keith respond while rolling his eyes, exiting of the room with the kid in his arms.
Perfect, now I can talk with him:" So what do you want to talk about?" He ask me crossing his arms:" Keith and I heard what Lotor told you." I said, he raises an eyebow:" About the second in command shit? I will never join him, you know." I my head:" No no. About the fact you... you want to be dead with your family..." I said with a little of difficulty, Lance face from his smirk change in a serious one:"You know I quitted that shit long time ago." He take away his eyes from me, he doesn't fell comfortable... so he thought about:" I know... After you came to live with us you got better, you got even better when the Blue Ghost thing stared. But you had your bad periods and the last one was at the Garrison for the whole 'you are here because Keith got kick out' thing and for others things too, you had to take again your medicine and when you came here up in space you had them with you. You told me you got better and I am sure that with the team accepting us, Shiro and Eros you are fine now but it have been more than a year since you finished your two bottle of medicine and you can't have them if you are in another crisis. So I am asking you... Are you ok, Blue?" I try place my hand on his back but he pull away:" I QUIT THAT SHIT LONG TIME AGO! I didn't cut or attempted to kill myself in long time! But you are still worried?! When will you stop?!" He shout stressed:" Never! I will never stop! You are important to me, you are my best friends, my parter in crime, my brother!" I shout back, Lance look at me in shock and tears start to fall from his eyes:" Lance..." I tried to hug him but again he pull away from me:" I-I know Hunk... It's just so hard... Since Eros arrived in my life I am so fucking happy but scared too! I don't want to leave him, I don't want him to be alone like me. And sometimes I think that he maybe would have a better life if I was never here, if only Shiro took care of him, if I had died in with t-them." He cries even harder:" Lance you know that isn't true." I said, without getting near or he would just shove me away:" Hunk please leave... I need some times alone." I know there isn't anyway to stay here with him now, he need to cool down:"Ok." I turn to the door and start to walk away but I turn to him one last time:" Lance remember that we love you. If you will need to talk with someone I am sure any of us will gladly listen. At least talk to Shiro, he will for sure always listen, because he loves you really much." I said then I exit from the room, closing the door behind me.
I sigh and start to walk away but then I stop: "I will control him from doing anything stupid." Blue's voice echoes in my head and I make a little smile, knowing everything will be fine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2021 ⏰

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