How keep (not) a secret

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"Lance McClain do you want be my boyfriends?"

Lance smile and jump in Shiro's arms:" YES! Yes! Yes! Yes! One million of time yes!" The two kiss with passion, until they heard behind them someone gasp, in the door frame there is all... ALL the team! Our two lover are blushing hard, they are more red of the Red Lion:" Emh... Hi guys?" Pidge only look at Shiro:" My ship has sailed and you two didn't tell me?!" Hunk start to laugh, Keith smile and do a sign of Ok at Shiro to say "Good job, bro!" Allura and Coran smile at the cute couple, Lance and Shiro stand there dying from embarrassment:" So... You don't have any problem about us?" Allura smile at them:" No, any problem. I am gay too."
Pidge look at Allura happy:" What really?!" Lance and Shiro glace eachother with a look of understanding:" Yep, Pidge have a crush on the Princess." After a little talk, most of that was question about the Blue and Black Paladins relationship, Shiro ask:" Anyway guys, why you came here in first place?" Lance really hope that they didn't came here to spy them: "Oh yeah, we want to ask you two if you would come to watch a movie with us, but now it's too late." Hunk said looking at the clock:" Yeah, we should go to bed." Shiro said, acting to to much as a father: " Ok, good night guys." Allura said waving her hand: "Night." The Cuban boy respond.
Everyone left the room, Shiro and Lance change in their pj, but Shiro clothes aren't there so he just borrow a big T-shirt from Lance because he is to tired to go to his room, they laid on the bed:" Well it's went good." Shiro smile looking at his lover:" Yeah. But Shiro now we could help Pidge to get with Allura, they are in love it's so evident!" Lance exclaim, exasperate by how much the two girls are dense: "You are right, when Allura can she seek for Pidge and talk with her about everything, and you saw the look on Pidge's face when Allura said she is gay too." Shiro observe: "True." The silent fell in the room but it isn't heavy, but Lance speack up:" Shiro you would love unconditionally from everything, right?" Shiro sit up looking worry at Lance:" Yes, Lance I will love you unconditionally, if there is something bothering you or something you want tell me, you can do it when you are ready. Ok love?" Lance smile at Shiro, a little relieved by that words:" Ok. Thanks you *yawn* Kashi." Shiro let out a giggle:" Someone need to sleep?" He said while placing the cover on them-self: "Yes..." Lance respond while falling asleep.
The two lover fall asleep in eachother arms.

In the morning/ SHIRO POV

I wake up at six o'clock of the morning, too early so everyone is still sleeping, I try to go back to sleep but I can't... Fuck me and my morning self.
I heard a little noise from Lance, I look at him who is slowly waking up:" Good morning Kashi." He easily get up from the bed:" I will take a shower." I am a little take back from Lance waking naturally so early:" Are you ok? I know I'm hot but starring is rude." He smirk at me and I blush a little:" Yes you are hot. But surprise me the fact you wake up so early, usually you are late at breakfast." He smile at me while taking clean clothes:" I always go up at this hour, back on Earth my family had a farm so we always got up early to help with plants or the animals, I arrive late at breakfast because I'm training or taking care of Blue." I am surprise by this side of Lance so mature, usually he is a happy joker but now he seems a little sad, maybe because of the homesickness...
I only saw Lance act like this one time, when we found a new-born baby in a Garla prison, after she was took out of the pod we tried to find his family, the other prisoners said she arrived with others prisoners who wasn't their parents and her name was Sole.

Flashback- Thirty pov
All the paladins are in the dinning room trying to make stop to cry the little Sole:" UGH! Why she don't stop!" Keith is irritates from the sound of a baby cry, he don't like babies:"What do we do?" Coran ask in panic, Lance get up from his chair with a sigh:"You could destroy twenty Garla ship in a few minutes but you can't make a baby stop to cry?" Keith look angry at Lance, the Red Paladin manage to become even more irritates:" What could you do?" Lance don't even look at him:"A lot of things." He come near Shiro, who is holding the baby:" First of all, you are holding her in the wrong way." He take carefully Sole in his arms holding is head with a hand, the infant don't stop to cry but she look more calm:" Hunk in the fridge there is Keldenecker's milk. (I don't remember how write her name.) Could you warm it and take it in a bottle to feed her?" Lance ask to his friend with a serious but sweet voice:"Sure!" Hunk run in the kitchen after a little he return with a feeding bottle:" Allura could you fell if the milk is to hot on your hand?" Allura nod making fall some drop of milk on the back of her hand:" It's perfect!" She exclaim: "Ok, give it to me." Lance said with a calm voice, he take the bottle with his right hand while in the meantime he is holding the baby with his left harm:" Here, Sole... The milk is ready." Sole stop crying, taking the bottle in her little hands and starting to eat:" God... You are really hungry." All of them are all quite surprised from Lance parenting skills:"How do you manage to do that?!" Pidge ask in shock:" Well... I am the middle child with my sister Veronica, I took care of my little siblings, my cousins and newphews, I helped to delivery one of my nepthews too." He said looking up thinking about those far memories:"Wait... you delivered a baby?!" Keith ask in shock: "We lived away from city so the hospital weren't near." Lance shrug:"Yeah I remember that. It was summer and we were 10 years old, you called me telling you delivery a baby and the fact you were now a uncle. You were so happy." Hunk add.
Shiro is still in shock looking at Lance, he is already thinking how cute the scene is... And even if he doesn't know he is already falling in love with the boy.
The baby finish the bottle:" Good job little one. Now time for the nap! She will stay in my room, Coran we have a crib?" Coran thinks about it for a moment about it:" Yes we should have some of the old cribs of Allura around here." He exclaim already walking out of the room:"Perfect.".
End of the flash back

"Kashi you wanna come to train with me?" I am cut of by the memories by Lance:" Sure honey. Give me a moment to get ready."
We arrive in the training room:" Which level?" I ask to Lance:" What is your level?" He respond me:" Level 11" I told him while taking out his bayard:" Then 11." I am a little worry about him... He is on level 7 it might be to much hard for him, even I can't beat this:" Ok. But if you need a pause tell me." I look at Lance from the command room, the level start but Lance is so fast, there was 5 gladiators but in only 5 minutes they are all defeated... How could Lance do something like that?! I never saw him do this!
I go to him:" Woah! How did you do that?!" He smile at me, so cute:" I train a lot Kashi, but in another training room, it's more small and it's always free, in this there is always Keith." I am still amaze by him:" Really? Witch level are you?" I ask curious:"15" How he manage to become so strong without us realising it: "Whaaat?!" He start to laugh:" Babe you have to became more strong or you will never beat me." I look at him with determination:" Oh yeah! I will past you in no time! What about we start?!" He giggle at me while going to the command room, my level started and it take me 15 minutes to beat them, I sit on the ground exauted:" How you manage to do it in 5 minutes?!" He set in front of me with his recognisable smirk, make him this time more hot than cute:" Love we have only start, there is still a lot you have to know about me." I am a bit confused about that but I decide to ignore it, after all it's true I don't know a lot about him and he doesn't know a lot about me:" Hey what about we take something to eat and go to Blue or Black?"He propose, I nod in agreement.

We enter in the Hangar eating some sort of alien snack:"My cub!" Blue seems really happy to see Lance:" Hello beutifull! I wanna tell you something!" He take my hand in his, holding it tight:" Now Kashi and I are a couple!" I let a little blush:" Yeah!" I said happy and hoping that Blue will approve this, I dodn't know but I fell anxious like if I am meeting his parents: " Oh my Altea! Finally! My cub was talking about you at me from when he became a paladin!" I look at Lance really surprise:" What?! Lance it've been almost a year!" He scratch his neck in embarrassment:" I know! But I wasn't sure if I could make it! For me you were the Leader, the most powerful paladin, I had like zero change with you!" I hug him, he is a little surprise from that but he hug me back, laying his head on my shoulder:" You are the most caring person on this ship! You could do things I could only image! It wasn't you, it's was me with no possibilities." We look in each other eyes, letting us go to sweet and caring kiss... We continue for few more seconds until Lance roughly broke us apart:" Oh por Dios! Blue no!" I am confused, I look at him then to Blue and again back at Lance:" What? It's everything all right?" He let out a sigh of frustration and embarrassment:" Yeah only Blue being a big lovey dovey mama." He glare at the robotic Lion:" Whaaaaat? Only because I said I can't wait to see my grandchildren through our mental bond!" She try to defend herself: "We don't have even talked about kids, we are together from yesterday!" Lance is all flustered, soooooooo cute! I just go crazy when it's about him, he will my death
I chuckl at that: "She is right, it's would be wonderful have one or two children, even three maybe!" He look angry at me, failing to be intimidatory:" You are not helping!" Blue and I start to laugh hard, he seems more pissed.
After we eat our food we said bye at Blue:" What we do now?" I think about it for a moment:" What about go to the others? They should be in the living room talking about today duties." He nod in agreed.

"Good morning guys!" Lance said waving his hand to the other with his usual happiness and energy:" Oh greetings Lance and Shiro!" Allura salute us: "What were you two doing? You miss breakfast!" Ask Hunk worry:" They were fu-" "PIDGE!" Lance and I shout at the same time, she only smirked and looked away satisfied:" We were talking with Blue." Lance respond calm, Keith look up from the knife that he is cleaning:" Oh yeah, Lance how you manage to bond with your lion like that?" We settle on the couch:" Well we talk a lot." He said:" We all have been doing that for the past time but nothing happen." Pidge explain, then I remember something:" I talked with Black too, he give me some soft growl." I said remembering that night:"It's a good start." Lance said to me:" What were you talking about?" Ask Keith:" About my love for Lance.... I think you should talk about your true felling." I said with a little blush: "Mhm... Ok." Keith don't seem sure, yeah he is close to everyone after the his parents left him...

The alarm start rinning.

Aaaaaand this is done too! Not long like the other but I hope you like it!
Bye bye

The first time we meet (ShiroxLance)Where stories live. Discover now