A old friend

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4 months later- SHIRO POV
Lance is working at his projects with Katie and Hunk while Eros and I are playing.
This last months were beautiful, everyone is fine and even the mission went fine but today a lot of things will change.

Allura call us: "Paladins come to the control room! We have a message from Lotor!" I immediately stand up, this can't be right:" Eros please go to your room, Dad now have some work." I said with a smile at my son, he nod and run off to his room with the mouses, then I go the control room.
Now everyone are here Allura decide to play the massage:" Hello Voltron... It have been a while, our last encounter and that time I remember that I told a secret of your dear Blue, I hoped that could bring you to separate but after all you are Voltron, your connection is strong..." He have for sure some sick plan, but we will fight and beat him anyway:" And I thought why don't take someone you know? So I went to Earth, I have to say is a beautiful planet." We all gasp in worry, the Garla didn't conquered Earth right?
"Don't worry I am not interest in your planet, to much primitive for us and it doesn't have the things I am seeking for." We all relax, the Earth isn't on the line for now... But who he decide to take that we know? He could be someone parent or family or friends:" Anyway. Look!" He take in the frame another person who is passed out and I can't believe it... "That is Alex!" Lance and I shout together, he was the second in command of the team to capture the Blue Ghost:" Wait... It isn't the one who was on the team to capture you?" Hunk said remembering even if with a little struggle who he is:" Yeah. Why him?" I ask myself, we make start again the video:" I know this is someone who the Black Paladin know well. So if you want him alive you have to come to me and give me the Blue Paladin. if you accept go to this coordinate." Lotor said with a devilish smile and the video is over.
We are all in silence and shock... How the hell he got to take Alex?! He is a close friend of mine too:" What we do?" Lance ask me, worried for me he knows how much we are close, I start to think what to do:" Mmh... I will fake that I want him back to all cost and that I give Lance to them, faking to betray you. In the mean time with the Green Lion Keith and Hunk will go inside, two get Lance and Alex if is a trap." I propose to them, if not this I don't know what other plan will work:" I like Shiro's plan." Allura said, but I am worry that Lance wouldn't like the plan:" Lance do you want to do this?" I ask to him while placing a hand on his shoulder:" Yes, I want to do it." He respond immediately without any struggle or hesitation:" Perfect let's go." Allura order to everyone.

Lance and Shiro are in the Black Lion, with Pidge invisible behind them:" Are you ready Lance?" Shiro ask to his lover who is handcuff on the floor behind him, Lance simply nod, Shiro nod back and he arrive to the point designated by their enemy, the Black Paladin press the communication button making appear infront of him Lotor face:" Hello Black Paladin. Are you here alone?" He ask suspiciously, obviously he don't trust them:" The other wanted to trick you, but I could risk to lose Alex so I decide to betray them-" "FUCK YOU SHIRO! I TOUGHT I COULD TRUST YOU! I TOUGHT YOU LOVED ME! I THOUGHT YOU WOULD NEVER TAKE ME AWAY FROM OUR SON!"  Lance shout him, if Shiro didn't know that they are acting he would have believe to all Lance words:" Shut it! You are a criminal, the day Lotor told me who you are I was broken and in shock! I didn't throw you out only because of Voltron! But now that I can have Alex back I will not esitate! And Eros is better without you anyway!" Shiro responds, Lance knows that is a act but he felt something crack about only thinking to the possibility to see never again Shiro or Eros, he start to cry most of his tears are fake but sometime he fell those sad thoughts. Shiro keep up a rude face but inside is killing him, after this mission he need to demonstrate all his love to Lance, Shiro turn back to Lotor:" Sorry for him, the scum don't knows when to shut up. Anyway where is Alex?" Lotor start to sadistically launch, he believe to their act:" I will throw him in the space, you throw out the Blue Paladin too and both will collect our prizes." Lotor explain to him and Shiro nod:" Ok here we go."  Shiro said making Black open his mouth letting Lance in Space, immediately four drones arrive, two with a pass out Alex and the other two took Lance inside the Garla ship:" It was a honour, goodbye black Paladin." With that Lotor close his communication.
Shiro has just finish to kill the two drones and to take Alex inside, he place him down on the floor:" Alex Alex wake up!" He shake him hoping he will wake up:" S-Shiro...?" The guy finally open his eyes and the Black Paladin hug him:" I am so happy to see you!" The poor Alex is still confuse:" What...? Are we in Space?" He ask him but Shiro have to make sure that this is the real Alex:" Yes. But respond to this question... What I told you about the kiss that the Blue Ghost gave me the last day we saw him?" This thing he had only told to him and Lance:" That you liked it... But why are you asking me this?" Shiro now is really happy, this is the real Alex:" It's really you! I don't have time to explain we have to go." Shiro said only to return to his seat:" Keith it's really him. Where a you?" He said to his brother.

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