8 - Security Captain Silver

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'Wren! Wren come in!' My radio buzzed right into my ear and I groaned. Eyes still closed, I fumbled for it on my bedside table. Clutching the plastic, I tugged it over to my mouth and pressed down on the receiver.

'Mina... it's so early...'

'You need to come to Prosperity like, right now.' There was an urgency in her voice that made me uncomfortable. Pushing myself upright, I cringed at the soreness of my back. Rest was probably the right thing to do rather than going galavanting off on some crazy adventure with Carmina.

'I think I'm gonna sit this one out.'

'No! No, you can't!' There was a loud thud of footsteps against wood down the line and her voice dropped into a whisper. 'Shit hit the fan last night but oh my God, Wren, you gotta come and meet this guy.'


'No! The security captain, urrggghh, just hurry up! I'll explain when you get here!' Carmina commed out and I bit my lip. The invitation was tempting. No! No, I needed rest. My back was killing me after all. Lying back down onto the sheets, I stared at the ceiling and found my eyes wandering to my coat and bow hung up on the back of my door.

'God fucking damn it.' I grumbled, swinging my legs off of the bed and getting ready. Tip-toeing out, I slowly closed the door behind me and pushed it gently shut. I really did not want to wake up either of my parents right now.

'Where you goin'?' My heart leapt into my throat at dad's voice. Whipping around, I caught sight of him sitting at the dining room table perusing what looked like an old book. His eyes were dull, almost tired looking, but he still managed to give me a very serious stare from under his brow.

'Uhh Carmina called, gonna try and get that deer again.' I lied, smiling innocently.

'You definitely got your horse-shit lying abilities from your mom. Where are ya really going?'

'Carmina said she wanted me to go and see her at Prosperity. Just to meet Rush and his team.' I balanced on my toes, ready to dash should he try to grab me.

'You think that's a good idea with ya back all torn to shit?' He said pointedly, reaching into the fruit bowl and turning a green apple in his hand.

'It's okay, just a scratch right?' Grinning awkwardly, I hurried past the table to the front door before he could grill me further.

'Wren,' Pausing, I switched around and he threw the fruit to me. I grabbed it in my right hand expertly and he smirked. 'Breakfast. Eat it.' Then his attention was turned straight back to his early morning reading. Time to go incase he changed his mind.

Tossing the apple in the air, I caught it and took a large bite. The bitter, sour taste made my taste buds tingle as I chomped in time with my footsteps. It was pretty quiet today, probably because it was still early. Thank God, I could do without being attacked by animals or Highwaymen. Passing through the forest, I eventually reached the grand structure that was Prosperity. Founded and built by the Rye's, it acted as a village for those seeking refuge from the Highwaymen. Tapping on the door, it took a few seconds before it swung open and allowed me entry. Carmina immediately bombarded me, almost knocking me flat onto the ground.

'Watch it!' I winced as she grabbed me, my back flaring up. 'I got attacked on the way home yesterday.'

'Oh shit. Are you okay?' Carmina slackened her grip and backed away a little.

'Yeah fine. Dad sorted it.' I cracked my knuckles and shifted on the spot. 'So what happened?'

'The twins happened. They attacked the train and took Rush. But,' She took my chin in-between her fingers and twisted it to face the main building. 'Check out who we got instead.' As if on cue, a young man walked out. He had platinum grey hair tied back into a ponytail and a pair of sunglasses rested on his nose. My eyes trailed over him, taking in the tattoo sleeve down his left arm and the way his jeans clung to his legs. He looked pretty damn badass. 'Cap! Cap over here!' Carmina waved frantically and he approached, a winning smile on his face. There was a sore looking cut on his cheek and a bandage on his hand.

'And who is this?' He asked, extending a palm to me.

'I'm Wren.' Giving him a succinct handshake, I couldn't help but grin.

'Silverio Flores. Most just call me Silver though,' he dropped our handhold before poking Carmina. 'Except this one who likes to call me Cap.'

'It sounds cool!' She protested. 'Silver was the captain of security for Rush's people and now he's gonna help us take on the Highwaymen and get Rush back!'

'Us?' I faltered, biting my lip. 'Mina, this is great and all but I don't think I can help you guys out with this.'

'What? Why?' She pulled me aside for a moment. 'You're a great fighter and you're smart! We could use you-'

'There's no way in hell that dad would let me! You know that!' I hissed at her, anxiety gnawing at my stomach.

'Who says he has to know? C'mon Wren, Silver needs us!' Carmina's brow furrowed. 'We might be able to find my dad.' Oh nice touch, a great way to guilt me into it. Sighing, I nibbled my lip and nodded.

'Okay, okay. I'll bring it up at dinner.' Conceding, I watched my best friend jump with delight.

'Yes! You're the best! Now c'mon, you gotta talk to Silver. He has some amazing stories.' She started to drag me back towards the Captain but my mind was wandering. How the hell was I gonna swing this one?

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