24 - We're Like A Pack

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'Prosperity meeting.' Kim called from the table just as Athena finished sewing my new patch onto my military jacket. She handed it to me with a soft smile on her face. The wolf insignia now sat on my right breast pocket beneath my name.

'She did a good job huh?'

'Yeah.' I returned her grin, extending a hand and helping her to her feet from the armchair. 'Fresh bandage okay?'

'Sitting tight.' She patted her abdomen lightly. Holding onto her hand, I guided her over to the table where Kim, Nick and Silver were talking quietly. Carmina and Wren dashed through the front door, almost colliding with one another.

'What's happening?' Wren breathed heavily, bracing her hands onto the table and looking frantically at Silver.

'Last night I broke into the prison and took out one of the lead guards. It opened a space up in the derby meaning that if I won, I'd get close enough to the twins to take them out. But the minute I got into the Chapter Dinner hall, Ethan shows up and tells the twins he'll form an allegiance with them if they take out Joseph for him. They've gone to New Eden.' Silver ran a stressed hand over his tied back hair, nibbling nervously at his lip.

'Jesus...' Kim sighed, fingertips drifting over the map paper and stopping at New Eden. 'We'll send our best fighters. If we're going to even have a chance at stopping this we need to leave as soon as possible though.'

'I'll get some of the vans out. Meet me in front of the gates in five.' Nick instructed to us all before moving out with Silver. Kim pulled Carmina to one side and as I turned to my girls.

'You're stayin' here. Both of you.'

'Like hell are we!' Athena's eyes burned with drive and a willingness to fight.

'You're injured.' I gestured to her abdomen, but she just shrugged defiantly.

'I've fought with far worse wounds. I won't let them think they've gotten away with what they did to me.' She wrapped her hands around her hair and swiftly plaited it out of the way. 'Besides, I'm the reigning champ of the fighting pits. The twins deserve to get a front row seat to my show.' Turning before I could stop her, Athena strode out and prepared her weapons at the work bench.

'Stubborn little...' Grumbling, I looked to Wren who was already twanging the string of her bow. 'Nope absolutely not. You're stayin' here where you'll be safe.'

'Dad, we're like a pack remember? We protect each other. I'm not gonna sit around while you and mom go and fight. I want to show you everything I learnt from you.' As she mounted her weapon to her back, Wren straightened her posture and tightened her fists. She looked so much older, so much wiser. She was so far from the little child who was scared of jumping into the river.

'Okay.' I agreed, a sense of pride swelling in my chest. Patting her on the shoulder, we walked in step out into the courtyard. Athena joined us and we bundled into the back of a van. Nick and Silver sat in the front, Kim and Carmina in the neighbouring vehicle filled with other fighters. The wheels started to trundle across the dusty ground as we made the long journey up North to New Eden. Wren looked out of the window absentmindedly, Athena stared at the floor and I felt something sinister building in my stomach. It was the same kind of feeling that I would get before a big battle during the war. The inability to comprehend that in an hour or so, I could be dead.


The van pulled to a halt just outside New Eden which was already bathed in heated orange flames. They licked and tore through the wooden buildings, gunfire echoing loudly within the walls.

'You both ready?' I asked Athena and Wren, to which they both nodded. Peeling out of the back of the van, we pulled our weapons up and caught up with Nick, Silver, Kim and Carmina.

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