20 - Need

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She stirred at my words, eyes fluttering open slowly and I caved with relief. Her pupils were enlarged, back to their normal size but her body was weakened severely. Athena tried to sit up but immediately slumped back down, pain inching its way through every ounce of her.

'I dunno if I'm gonna survive this one.' She murmured harshly, letting the dust from the ground wash over her ripped up clothes.

'That ain't fighting talk.' I said softly, looping my arms around her and scooping her up. My left arm hung under the joints of her knees and my right supported her back. Wren shuffled over quietly, peering at her mother to be sure she was back to normal.

'Hi mommy.' Our daughter's voice was barely a squeak and she suddenly seemed very young and scared. Tears glistened over her eyes as Athena reached a bloodstained hand up to Wren's freckled cheek.

'Don't cry baby girl.' Athena put on her best smile even though she was in sheer agony. 'You been looking after your dad for me?'

'I-uh,' Wren faltered, wringing her hands nervously.

'Let's get outta here for now. We can talk once we're settled somewhere.' I interjected, holding Athena close and heading back towards the tunnel we came through. Night was falling and I didn't want to be lingering around if the twins showed up looking for the culprits.


'We'll stop here.' I stated, crouching and propping Athena up against the trunk of a tree. She took in a sharp breath and my heart faltered. It didn't feel too good to be hurting her, even if it was by accident. 'You collected enough fire wood?' I asked Wren over my shoulder.

'Yeah should be enough.' She started to pile up the logs she'd been collecting as we'd been walking. I pulled out my old lighter, using my thumb to try and get it to spark.

'C'mon ya damn thing...' I huffed, desperate to try and get Athena warmed up as quickly as possible.

'You're doing it wrong.' She smiled weakly, reaching over and brushing her hand against mine. In one swipe of her thumb, she had the flame lit and leant it forward to the wood. The kindling started to crackle and I blew on the embers to oxygenate them. Growing, the flames bathed Athena in a healthy orange glow and she leant back against the tree wearily.

'Uhm,' Wren coughed awkwardly, pulling her bow from her back. 'I'll go find us some food.'

'You gonna be okay on your own?' I asked her. She dipped her head to avoid my eye contact and gave an imperceptible nod before trailing off into the forest. Reaching into my pocket, I produced a tub of yucca sap and started to work on opening the lid.

'Alright what's going on?' Athena asked pointedly, coughing a little as the words stuck in her throat.

'Huh? Nothing.' I shook my head, keeping my gaze fixed on the stuck lid. The sap must've gotten into the grooves.

'Jacob.' She leant forward and swept the tub from my grip, twisting it hard and pulling the top off. Athena gave me a blunt eyebrow raise as she handed the pot back to me.

'She found Joseph.' I grumbled gruffly, dipping my finger into the orange sap and leaning towards her. I dabbed lightly at the cuts adorning her arms and she sighed.

'Right. Then what?'

'He used the Bliss to tell her every bad thing I've ever done. Took things I'd said outta context. And then she shot me in the leg.' Athena gave a snort at my words but shut up the moment I twisted my leg around to show her the bandage.

'I thought you were joking.' She said quietly, biting her lip.

'Nope.' I popped the 'P' as I stuck my fingers into more yucca sap and gestured for her to take her shirt off. She dipped her thumbs beneath the straps of the faded red tank top and pulled it over her head with effort. Her body was smaller than I remembered, thinner. Placing a warm hand to her cold core, I let the sap ooze against a huge gash in her abdomen. My eyes trailed up to her bra where I noticed the fabric was aggressively torn at the centre. 'They didn't-'

'They tried.' She sniffed, casting her gaze into the fire. A breeze rolled over us and my hair drifted over my blue irises.

'I should've come sooner.' My voice was gravelly, laced with both anger and sadness. How dare they try to do that to her? How dare they try to defile her like that? How dare I not be there to protect her?

'Hey,' Athena's cold palms pressed to my scarred face and pulled my gaze away from the torn fabric. 'Do not blame yourself. You did everything you could. And I'm here now, I'm okay.'

'No you're not, look at ya pup. You're... you're brutalised.' I could feel the tears coming but I pushed them back down. Time to be strong for her. Athena's brow creased a little as she studied my face, green irises lingering at the dark skin beneath my eyes.

'You haven't been sleeping have you?'

'Can't seem to manage it without you around.' I murmured, leaning gently into her touch. 'Made me realise how much I need ya.' The words were wobbly, voice cracking ever so slightly. Pushing herself off of the tree trunk, Athena caught my lips with her own and I felt the taste of her blood rinse over my tongue. Dropping the pot of sap, my arms moved around her back and my sticky fingers plastered against her skin. Her own weak arms moved from my face and looped around my neck. Athena pulled away gently, pressing her forehead against my own so that the tips of our noses brushed.

'I love you.' She pecked my lips again with a sweetness that made every ounce of me tingle.

'Never leave me again.'

'Cross my heart.' She smiled, moving a finger over her exposed chest in the shape of a crucifix.

'Ahem.' Our heads swivelled to spot Wren standing beside the fire. She held a few rabbits in her hands, a curious expression on her face. 'Shall we skin these and get them cooking?'

'You get started, I'm just gonna finish fixing your mom up.' I coughed, picking the tub of sap back up and continuing to lather Athena's wounds in it. Wren nodded, taking a seat and starting to peel away the skin. In the corner of my eye, I could see her muttering to herself in confusion. Maybe Athena could talk some sense into her when we got back to Prosperity.

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