18 - Bonecrusher Pit

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Dad wasn't the most talkative person in the world but damn, it sure was silent. His eyes were set firmly ahead, refusing to shift as we trudged through the undergrowth. Pinching the inside of my lip with my teeth, I took a moment to glance at his leg. Ash from the bullet stained his jeans and a bright white bandage filled the hole in the fabric.

'How's the leg?' I finally asked, hopping over a rock nimbly.

'S'fine.' He grunted quietly, still not looking at me.

'That's good.' I struggled to get the words out, shifting my gaze to the mossy ground. Our footfalls landed in step with one another, the soles of our boots leaving uneven imprints in the ground. 'Do you think mom's okay?'

'I dunno kid.' Dad said shortly, pressing his fingers to his temple. 'Silver said she was injured so maybe we should do less talkin' and more walkin'.'

'I don't know why you're being cold with me? You're the one in the wrong.' I said snottily, immediately regretting my words at the sight of his shoulders tensing. He didn't answer, just continuing to stride through the woodland without another word. I should apologise. I wanted to but I couldn't get the words to form in my throat. Coughing awkwardly, I walked alongside him until the trees peeled away and we reached a dusty cliff-face. Dad squinted, placing a hand over his brow and pointing to a metallic structure in the distance.

'Bingo.' He gave a small smile, eyes coming alive at the thought of seeing mom again.

'That's great and all but how are we getting over? It's all the way on the other side of the drop.' I peeped over the precipice and watched a few small stones from beneath my boots topple down into the valley. It would be a nasty fall.

'Gonna have to zip-line it.' Dad pulled a strong looking cable from his pocket and rung it over the wire that was strung up across the gap. He stood there expectantly and I looked at him with a confused expression. 'On my back then.' He knocked his head back to gesticulate and I sighed, piggy-backing onto him. 'Jesus... hold on.' Dad huffed gruffly as he leapt off the ledge. We sped along and I clutched my arms around his neck tight, the wind whipping my long locks. As we reached the other side, he let go and we both fell to the ground. 'Umph.'

'Ngh.' I puffed, my chin connecting with the back of his skull. Rolling off of his back, I stood up with effort and readjusted my green raincoat. Dad took a second to catch his breath before heaving himself upright.

'All okay?'

'Yeah. Let's uh, let's not do that again anytime soon though.' I let a shiver course through me as I glanced over my shoulder at the valley just behind us.

'I agree.' Dad turned his attention back to the dome. 'Let's keep going.'


We journeyed on but as we got nearer, the sounds of cheering mixed with blood-curdling screams started to bleed from the iron clad roof. My face paled and it must've been obvious as dad stopped in his tracks and placed a firm hand on my shoulder.

'Hey,' I looked up to him, fear dancing behind my eyes. 'You can go back if you don't wanna-'

'No.' I stuck my chin into the air and shook of any apprehension. 'I want my mom back from these assholes.' Stamping ahead of him, I approached the tunnel like entrance to be blocked by one of the Highwaymen.

'Well hello there lil lady. You come to watch the fight?' He jeered, prodding me in the stomach with his baseball bat.

'Yeah. Let me the fuck in.' I grunted, trying to shove my way past.

'Pfffft yeah not happenin' kid. It's invitation only.'

'Ohhh I see, gotcha.' I smiled apologetically and motioned to turn around before spinning back and connecting my fist with man's nose.

'What the fuck?!' He reeled, dropping the bat instinctively. Snatching it into my hand, I swung it hard and clobbered him round the head until he was unconscious. Dad had stopped a few paces away, watching intently. Once I was sure the guy was definitely not getting up, I dropped the bat and swung my arms towards the entryway.

'After you.' I grinned wolfishly and dad smirked, shaking his head lightly. Stepping over the body, he entered the dark tunnel and I followed behind.

'Okay so here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna wait for your mom to be called into the pit and then we're-'

'Gonna sneak round the back and get in there with her. I got it, I got it. Relax, this'll be easy.' Following the old sewer tube round, we came out amongst a throng of people jeering and flinging themselves at the walls of the cage. Shaking my now damp boots out, I stuck behind dad as he pushed his way through the crowds to reach the top viewing area. A rabid looking dog flung itself at its victim inside the pit and a loud guffaw sent everybody reeling forward at the sight of blood. The surge pushed me back and I was crushed amongst bodies. I'd completely lost sight of dad and began to panic, struggling to get air as my ribs were shoved inwards by the masses of Highwaymen. Puckering my lips, I managed to force out the three distinct whistle tones that signalled I needed a hand. Sure enough dad appeared within seconds and reached into the scrum, pulling me free.


'Yeah, yeah.' I wheezed a little, shuffling past him. 'Let's just find mom and get outta here.' We struggled up to the very top platform of the fighting pit and watched as the blood stained body of a fighter was dragged out.

'Nice to see the world never fuckin' changes.' Dad groused, narrowing his eyes as a gate started to open.

'And now fucktards, what you've all been waiting for! Our current reigning champion, Seed's Revenge!' The announcer screeched over the intercom and more cheers billowed from the crowd. From the dark tunnel, brown boots strutted confidently into the ring. Clothes ripped and bloody, she looked exactly as she had when she was taken. Her plait hung over her shoulder and she turned a metal bat emblazoned with spikes in her hand. Her green irises scanned over the crow and paused for a mili-second on myself and dad. She knew we were here for her.

'That's our cue. C'mon kid, let's go get ya mom outta there.'

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