25 - At Peace

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One Month Later

'Take it slow.' I murmured softly into my radio, stomach pressed against the ground.

'I am!' Carmina responded, her voice crackling over the comm. I spotted her in the grass, Timber by her side.

'It's definitely this one right?' I turned my binoculars to look at the stag again who was nibbling softly at the ground.

'Yeah definitely. He's got that burn mark on his rump remember?' As she said it I saw the darkened fur on its rear.

'Oh yeah... okay, he's just getting into position...' I watched as the deer's hooves shuffled forward ever so slightly. 'Go!' I hissed and Carmina let the dog loose. Timber started to chase the stag straight towards our trap. Just as it was about the trip the wire, the stag leapt gracefully over it and landed heavily on the other side. My chest deflated as it bounded off into the trees and Timber came to a halt.

'How many times are we gonna be bested by a fucking deer?!' Carmina groused, pummelling her fist into a nearby tree. Before I could reply, my comms line was cut into.

'Wren where are you? It's time to go!' Mom's voice sent my brain into motion and then I remembered.

'Oh shit! Mina I gotta run, catch ya later!' Before she could even utter a goodbye, I started my sprint back to Prosperity.

'Can't be late, can't be late, can't be late.' Humming to myself, I cleared stumps and rocks as I tore through the woodland. My noisy footsteps set a couple of moose into overdrive, galloping away from me as fast as they could. Footsteps crunching on the pathway up to Prosperity, I flung myself through the gate and found mom waiting for me expectantly.

'Where've you been? Roger was gonna leave with you!' She scolded, reaching over and pulling a twig out of my hair.

'Hunting!' I ducked under her arm and rushed to collect my things that I'd left out on the workbench that morning.

'Wren, are you coming or what?' Silver called to me from the helicopter. Roger stood outside, bundling his final boxes into the back.

'Hey now, we've still got some final checks to do!' The pilot smiled softly at me beneath his aviators. 'But if you're ready Miss Wren you can hop in.'

'There's just one more thing I gotta do first.' I swallowed thickly and looked to mom. She smoothed down my hair again and planted a kiss to my forehead.

'Quickly. Go on.' She gave me a gentle nudge towards the back of Prosperity and I hurried over. Bending down on the way, I pulled a bunch of red flowers from the ground and carried them to the still fresh mound of dirt. Leaning down softly, I placed the flowers on the grave and sighed wistfully.

'I wish we could've saved you.' I whispered quietly, the words almost getting lost in the wind.

'What've I told ya about focussin' on the past?' My gaze shifted as dad hobbled over, leaning heavily on his make-shift cane.

'It doesn't hurt to regret a little bit.' I sighed, looking back at the grave marked Joseph Seed. 'He would've liked it here I think.'

'Maybe so.'

'Still using the walking stick huh?' I gestured to the wooden support held clenched in his hand.

'Mhm. Few more days and then I should be able to walk on my own again. Body ain't as chipper as it used to be. It's takin' longer to heal than I thought.' Dad sighed in annoyance. We'd been very close to losing him that day but some miracle meant we made it back in time for Selene to work her magic and save his life. Now I knew what Silver meant by not taking him for granted. 'You ready for your first expedition?' He asked, struggling a little to stay upright.

'Yeah. Wanna walk me to the chopper?' That was actually an excuse for me to help him, but I wouldn't tell him that. Looping my arm with his own, we walked very slowly back to the front of the house where mom and the others were waiting.

'You're supposed to be resting.' She said sternly, holding dad in place as we stopped. Her arms lovingly wrapped around his bicep as though she never wanted to let go. Loosing my grip on him, Roger waved me over.

'Come on Miss Wren! Time for us to go!'

'Just two more minutes!' I called over my shoulder before turning to face my parents.

'You be safe okay? And have fun.' Mom braced one arm around me, dad covering the other side. They held me close in a huge embrace and I felt myself getting teary eyed. I was only going for a couple of days but I didn't want to leave them. Pulling away, I sniffed hard and used my index finger to brush away any slight leakages.

'We'll see you in a few days little red.' Dad smiled at me beneath his beard, leaning on mom for support. 'And hey, you get in trouble you know what to do right?'

I giggled and nodded, unable to hold back the waterworks. As they slipped down my cheeks, I gave the three distinct whistles he'd taught me all those years ago.

'But I don't think you'll find me half way across the country.' I laughed again, mainly to cover up the internal sobs that wanted to escape my lungs.

'I'd cross the ends of the Earth to keep you safe.' He placed a hand on my shoulder before leaning forward and pressing a short peck to my head. 'You go give 'em hell kid.'

'Miss Wren!' Roger called again, kicking the engine in and sending the propellors whirring to life.

'Okay I gotta go.' Running towards the helicopter, I hopped in the back with Silver and waved frantically at my parents.

'We love you!' Mom called as the helicopter started to rise and I cupped my hands around my mouth.

'I love you both too!'


I watched the chopper slowly rise into the sky and fly off into the distance. I refused to peel my blue eyes away until it was no longer a dot on the horizon. Athena pressed her head against my arm and exhaled deeply.

'This'll be good for her.' She mused, fingertips drifting over my knuckles.

'Yeah.' I grunted a little, abdomen aching from being stood too long.

'You need to sit down.' Guiding me gently back towards the house, I shifted my eyes to look down at her. Brunette hair softly blowing in the breeze, I couldn't help the tease of a smile that tugged at my lip. Everyday I was surprised that she was still there, still willing to look after me. She caught sight and smirked, raising an eyebrow at me. 'What?'

'S'nothing.' I reassured her, letting her guide me carefully back inside. Easing me into an armchair, Athena leant forward and pressed a gentle kiss to my mouth.

'You want some food?' She asked, drifting her fingers through my hair and setting it back into place.

'Would kill for some.' I nodded a little too eagerly. Taking her leave, Athena patted me softly on the knee and then waltzed into the kitchen airily. Sitting alone, I leant back into the chair, closed my eyes and let the soft pillows swallow me up. Peace at long last.

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