17 - Nuggets of Wisdom

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'This is totally crazy man, I didn't even know you were alive!' Trundling the car along, Sharky hummed cheerily. I sat in the passenger seat silently, staring out of the window at the dusty landscape. What kind of cruel God decided that it would be Sharky fuckin' Boshaw that found me left for dead in the forest.

'I could say the same for you.'

'So the Dep? She's still kickin' around?' He asked, careering the car around a corner far too fast. Bracing myself on the chair, one arm clung to the seat the other cradled the baby I'd been suddenly lumped with upon my 'rescue'.

'Yeah. We have a daughter actually.' I could barely speak, my mind racing with thoughts of Wren up in that damned village with Joseph. Who knows if I'd ever see her again?

'That's amazing man. Kids, they just change ya life. I mean Blade here, even though he's Hurk's and not mine, wow man. Like I don't even know what I'd do if anything happened to him.' God this was gonna be the longest car journey of my life. My gaze shifted from the window down to the baby. He was swaddled tight in a navy blue blanket, eyes closed as he slept serenely. It was weird. Though I'd never planned to have a baby, I'd always imagined I'd have a son. 'So what you doin' out here on your lonesome Jake and Bake? Shouldn't you be with your family?'

'The Highwaymen kidnapped Athena. And Wren... well she did that.' I pointed to my now bandaged leg. As dumb as Boshaw was, at least he kept med-kits in the boot of his car.

'Shot ya?! Why? Teenage rebellion?' He asked, pumping more gas into the engine. 'I'm dreading that with Blade y'know.'

'Ha. Somethin' like that. Nah, I... ugh.' Sighing heavily, I scratched at my beard. Was this really happening? Was I really going to have a heart to heart with this moron? 'I fucked up.'

'Like bad?'

'Yup. I lied to her about everything that happened before the Collapse so Joseph decided to spew it all to her. She bought it. Hook, line and fuckin' sinker.'

'So?' Sharky shrugged, his tartan gilet creasing a little at the movement.

'What do ya mean so?'

'Just apologise man. Honesty is the, uh, best policy right?'

'I don't think she'll see it that way.' I murmured, fiddling with the blanket that was keeping Blade restrained.

'And they've just taken the Dep?'

'Been searching for her but the trail's gone cold. I just... dunno what I'm meant to do.' Staring into my lap, Blade stirred and blinked up at me slowly. He was so small and frail, it reminded of when I'd delivered Wren. Her tiny hands, tiny feet, big blue eyes. Fuck. Tears threatened and I scrunched my nose up, whipping my head back up to look out the window.

'There's tissues in the glovebox.' Sharky said softly, his eyes flitting from the road to me.

'I'm fine.' I grunted through clenched teeth, sniffing hard.

'Nah you ain't. It's totally cool man, y'know since I've taken on the role of Blade's mommy I've become way more emotional. Kids do that to ya man. They mean the world right?'

'Well, yeah.' I used my black coat sleeve to wipe the redness from my eyes away.

'So, here's what I think. You gotta leave your lil girl alone for a while. Even though Broseph is an asshole, I don't think he'd hurt her cause she's blood y'know? For now focus on gettin' the Dep back. She's freakin' smart man, she'll know exactly what to do about this whole shit-uation.' Pulling the car up outside Prosperity's garage, Sharky killed the ignition and applied the handbrake.

'Yeah guess you're right.' Rubbing the back of my neck, I passed the baby over to him as I moved to get out of the car.

'Yo Jake, you ain't half bad man. Y'know I thought maybe you'd try and kill me and shit on the way back but ya been real great man. Wore ya seatbelt and everythin'.'

'Trying to turn over a new leaf I guess.' I smirked, opening the door and hopping out. 'Thanks for the ride Boshaw.'

'Course! Any man of Dep's is a friend of mine! Now go find my best friend and bring her home y'hear?' He hollered, waving frantically at me as I approached the gates.

'I'll do my best.' I replied, giving a short wave back before stuffing my hands in my pockets and sloping into the village.

At the sight of me returning empty handed, Kim and Nick's faces plummeted. They rushed over to me, confusion and upset ripping across their expressions.

'Did he have her?' Kim asked, taking my arm softly.

'Course he did. Wrapped around his fuckin' pinky finger. She fuckin' shot me!' I gestured to my healing leg before sighing, pressing my palms to my face. 'I need to find Athena.'

'Woah woah back up! Wren shot you?' Nick looked startled, unable to imagine of Carmina shot him.

'I believe her words were 'you're a monster'.' I mumbled into my skin, dragging my scarred hands down my face in exasperation.

'Jesus...' Kim squeezed her eyes shut, trying to process everything. 'Well, come inside. Let's at least get you warmed up a bit first.'


Three days later, Silver and Wren made their own return to Prosperity. I watched from afar as the gates opened and they strolled in. Wren immediately avoided my eye contact, tucking a loose strand of ginger hair behind her ear and sticking close to Silver's side as they approached the house.

'You should go talk to her.' Carmina hummed as she ran her knife edge across a stick of wood.

'She won't wanna talk to me.'

'Doesn't hurt to try. Besides, she came back. Must be some reason why.' Wise kid. Taking a long inhale, I strode over to the house and entered. A circle had formed around the main table and Kim's face was aghast with both fear and wonder. Muscling my way in beside the Rye's, I stared down at the map spread across the tabletop. Kim's finger rested neatly above the Highwaymen fighting pits.

'You're kidding me? She's in there?' Nick garbled, taking off his cap and scratching his grey head. My heart stopped eyes slowly rising to lock with Silver's. He gave me a tight nod.

'As far as I can tell yes. My sources said a woman's been maintaining the title of champion for weeks.' I smirked at his words. That was my girl. 'She's wearing down though and is quite badly injured.'

'Then we need to go now.' My abruptness made the whole table go silent for a split second.

'We have another problem though.' Kim sighed, gesturing to the empty spot beside her. 'Rush has gone dark. He went on a recon mission the same day Jacob left and we haven't heard a thing.'

'Well what if Carmina and I go look for Rush.' Silver's eyes darted down to Wren who stood beside him. Her eyebrows were knitted together in concentration, mouth held in a perfectly straight line. 'Then Jacob and Wren can go get-'

'Nope.' She hissed, still staring at the paper.

'S'fine. I can go alone.' Pushing away from the table, I marched out of the house and over to the work bench. Rooting around in the boxes, I tugged out the ammunition I needed and reloaded both my sniper rifle and red pistol. Pocketing the small one and swinging the large one onto my back, I spun around and almost collided with my daughter. 'Fuckin'... I thought you weren't comin'?'

'I'm doing this for mom.' She mumbled, shoving past and sorting her own weapons out.

'Alright.' I started to walk ahead without her, chewing on the inside of my lip. This was gonna be a long old journey.

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