16 - Family

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I lowered the pistol as the flap closed. My face didn't show it but fuck, I was rattled. I'd just shot him. Like actually shot him. Fuck. Shit. Fuck.

'He'll be fine.' Joseph said as if reading my mind, rising to his bare-feet. 'He's endured much worse.'

'I don't care.' I mumbled, holstering it and letting a shudder ripple down my spine.

'Of course you do. He's your father.'

'He means nothing to me.' Clenching my teeth, I stuck my chin out and defiantly fought back tears.

'Well,' Joseph approached me, placing his hands on my shoulders and staring me dead in the eye. 'You are welcome to stay here until your friend returns from his mission.'

'T-Thank you uncle.' The tears spilled over my cheeks and I hugged his skinny waist tight. His hand patted the back of my head fondly. But damn it, it just wasn't a hug from dad. Joseph was smaller, frailer. And the intensity wasn't there. Dad would always hug me with such ferocity, as though he was going to loose me at any second. This wasn't a hug out of love, it was one of convenience and pity. Sniffing, I pulled away and gave a half-hearted smile up at him but he knew it was an empty expression.


New Eden was okay. I mean it sufficed as a temporary home. It wasn't Prosperity though. I lingered around the edges, feeling out of place. It was weird because I was technically with family. Joseph was always around as was Ethan but it wasn't the same. Nobody spoke to me or made jokes with me. It was really lonely. I wanted Silver to hurry up and get back. Clinging to myself as I sat on a rock, I watched as a hunting party got ready to leave. Their bows hung from their backs, hoods engulfing their heads.

'You should go with them today.' Joseph suggested. He seemed to appear out of nowhere, making me jump and nearly slide off the rock.

'I don't have a bow.' I laughed awkwardly, regaining my footing.

'Go.' He instructed, producing one and handing it to me. Smoothing my hands over the chapped wood, I got up apprehensively and tagged onto the back of the group. The hunters regarded me suspiciously, whispers rippling through the mass of people.

'Just focus on the hunt.' I mumbled to myself as we filed out into the forest. Being surrounded by trees seemed to draw something poisonous out of me and at long last I felt calm. Sunlight illuminated the veins of green leaves whilst dandelion seeds sifted along gently in the breeze. Bird calls accompanied the hushed rolls of wind that rattled through the shrubbery. Before I knew it, I'd become separated from the hunting party and was all alone. Treading lightly over the mossy ground, I hopped up onto a rotting log and teetered along it. Dropping off the other end, I took note of the great paw prints plastered in the mud. 'Holy hell. What left these?' Crouching, I placed my small hand against the huge indent. It was easily five times larger. 'Interesting.' Drawing my bow, I began to follow the trail staying low to the ground at all times. Looking at the shape of the paw pads and claw marks it had to be some kind of bear but it wasn't any normal grizzly that was for sure. A grunting snuffling sound made me pause. Raising my gaze, a huge monstrous bear was plodding along a few paces ahead. It's belly was mottled with a fiery red colour and what looked like lichen was growing out of its back. It was gigantic. Biting down on my lip, I began to slowly retreat backwards as quietly as I could.

'You ain't gonna give up now are ya?' Dad's taunting voice filled my head and I paused. He would not be impressed if I didn't at least have a go. Spotting a nearby overhang, I stealthy crept up it. Poising myself, I waited for the bear to amble underneath before dropping onto it. A thunderous roar exploded out of the creature and it began to buck manically. 'Squeeze ya legs and take control.' I did as my thoughts told me, tightening my thighs and knotting my fingers into its fur.

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