9 - A Free Warning

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Finally, some God damn peace. Rocking softly in my chair on the porch, I enjoyed the quiet sounds of the surrounding forest with my eye closed. Athena had gone out to get some meat for dinner and Wren was still at Prosperity. It was calm and serene. It was just what I needed. Very few times in my life was I able to say that I felt content but right now, this was it. This was all I wanted. Such a shame that it was only fleeting.

'Well if it ain't the big bad wolf.' That cool, cold tone could only belong to one person.

'Mickey. What do I owe the pleasure?' Lazily opening my eyes, I caught sight of the bleached blonde cornrows and the star tattoos dotted above her brow. She was stood a few paces from me, leaning against the supporting beam of the porch. 'No Lou? Shame, I enjoy some unpredictability in my life.' I jested flatly, threading my fingers together and placing them in my lap.

'Not today. Figured me and you should have a little chat.' She smirked with callous intent. 'Y'know, I respect you Jacob Seed. You've done great things. Fought in the war, took over an entire county, used some brutal methods to get what you wanted.' She chuckled. 'You and me, we're pretty alike. And you get that, you understand. That's why me and Lou have kept our men well clear of you and your little family.' I narrowed my eyes at the blue-clad bandit.

'What are you gettin' at?'

'My people told me that they've seen your kid hanging out at Prosperity today with someone we don't particularly like.' Humming the last word, Mickey ran a finger under the elastic of her black glove. 'And that's a problem. A real fucking problem. Now I'm gonna be generous. If you keep your kid away from my people then we're peachy. If not,' She pinged the elastic hard against her skin. 'Then we may well have to take matters into our hands.'

'Is that a threat?' I growled, getting to my feet defensively.

'I'm just saying.' Mickey pushed away from the beam and began to back away from the house. 'If you wanna protect your family, keep your kid in line.' Palms raised, she melted into the trees and took her leave. Hackles raised, I let out an infuriated snarl. What the hell was Wren up to?


'I know that look.' Athena sighed as she finished cooking the fresh meat over the fire and started to plate it up. 'What's happened now?'

'Nothin'.' I grunted, pressing the tips of my fingers together. My elbows rested on the dining table and my eyes remained fixed on the front door. Where the hell was she?

'She'll be back soon Jacob, calm down.' A plate dropped in front of me and the scent of warm vegetables peppered the inside of my nostrils. 'Did you get round to having your nap today?' I didn't answer, attention still focussed on the door. 'Hello? Earth to Jacob?'

'What? Oh, uh, yeah. It was good.' Picking my fork up, I pushed the greens around the crockery. Best not to bring up Mickey's intrusion, it'd only worry her. The front door clicked and my head whipped up. Wren entered, an unknowing grin on her face.

'Hey family!' She chimed, dropping her bow and plonking down into the chair opposite her mother. 'Thank God, I'm starving.' She started to shovel food in her face. Athena shot me a keep-it-calm glance and I stabbed my fork into a slice of meat.

'You've been gone all day.' Wren didn't seem to pick up on my dry tone, nodding enthusiastically as she ate.

'Mmm yeah!' She paused to swallow. 'So last night Rush was supposed to arrive but the twins captured him and now there's this guy who worked for Rush called Silver who is helping the Rye's out! He's super cool, like so awesome. He even said that he thinks he might be able to rescue Uncle Nick!'

'That's great news.' Athena smiled warmly across the table.

'Silver huh? Weird name.' I ran my tongue over my teeth.

'Well that's his nickname but he doesn't mind that I use it.' Wren grinned, flecks of green stuck in her teeth. My molars clenched and I narrowed me eyes at her. 'So Carmina and I were thinking that we should team up with Silver and go find Nick. We-'

'No.' My flat-out refusal made her blink.

'Oh. Well I thought we could at least talk about it a bit-'

'I said no.'

'Jacob, come on. Hear her out.' Athena kicked me under the table but I remained unmoved. Mickey's threat whipped around my head, tugging and pulling at my sanity. When the twins said they'd do something, they would without hesitation. I had to protect my family.

'Dad you've taught me everything I need to know. I'm ready to go out there and fight for my friends.' Frustration wavered in Wren's blue eyes but I held my ground.

'The Highwaymen aren't to be fucked with Wren. You'll get fucking killed.' Another aggressive fork stab sent meat juice flying. My blood was boiling. Why wouldn't she just listen to me?

'Yeah but Silver will be there-'

'I don't give a fuck about Silver. You aren't going. Now stop asking me or I'll-' Before I could finish, Wren kicked her chair out from beneath her.

'Thanks for dinner mom.' She muttered, before angrily storming into her room and slamming the door.

'Well you handled that excellently.' Athena said mockingly, taking her empty plate and Wren's half finished one to the sink. She tipped the left over food out of the window before pouring water into the bowl.

'I'm not having it. She'll die.'

'You forget she's our daughter. She's far more capable than you give her credit for.' As she cleaned the plates, I continued to eat every once in a while grumbling under my breath.

'Fucking Silver.' I hissed, wiping my beard with an arm.

'Ohhhhh.' Athena spun around and came to sit on the table beside me. 'That's what this is about isn't it?'


'You're jealous.' She grinned and I scoffed, rolling my eyes. 'You don't like that she looks up to him.'

'That is not what this is about.'

'It so is, I can see it written all over your face!' Athena teased, shoving me playfully. 'Jacob, she looks up to you as well.'

'Not enough to respect my rules.' I groused, getting to my feet and taking my plate to the sink. 'I'm just trying to keep her fucking safe.' Rinsing it, I felt warm arms wrap around my middle and embrace me tight.

'You can't protect her forever Jacob.' Athena said quietly, pressing a kiss to my shoulder blade. Maybe that was true but damn it I was gonna try. Nobody was going to rip my family apart, not now.

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