Chapter Twenty-six

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The following evening was a Thursday and the entire academy knew about Von and Amalie after a brief assembly before lessons began in the cafeteria. It was no surprise to discover that people were now thinking that our year was cursed. To lose one big brother or sister was tough going, but losing two from the same rookery it was unheard of. It initially started with it being my fault, which irked me. Someone started a rumour that Von left because I was a Watcher and I was "So pompous that I didn't want a big brother anymore." That rumour, I was told, was started by my 'dear' friend Lexi Goodwin but was equally quelled that same hour by Amalie's friends who caught Lexi whispering along the corridors and told the Headmaster. Fraya, who knows everything, was as giddy as a schoolgirl when she found out that Lexi had been put into detention.

"I didn't even know we had detention!" she laughed at lunch. "She's so mean, honestly, what's wrong with her?"

Sophie, who was playing with her suspiciously coloured green soup, which I thought tasted quite nice, replied, "She's jealous of Ver, pure and simple." Giving the soup a grossed glare, she placed her spoon down. "It's horrible being popular, isn't it?"

I blinked at her. The word coming out of her mouth didn't make any sense. "Me popular? You must be joking. I can't stand rubbish like that. It freaks me out too much. I've done my best, kept my head down and it's worked this past couple of months."

"Bah!" Fraya barked. "You are clearly oblivious to everything and everyone. Girl, have you not noticed the way people treat you?" I felt panic raise up my head and instantly that prickly sensation attacked my forehead.

"Please, don't Fraya." I pleaded, trying to control my anxiety. I felt Perri's cool hand on my own.

"Deep breaths," she whispered.

"People stare at you all the time," Fraya continued. "I'm amazed at how you don't see it!"

"Fraya, please!" My stomach twisted and my breathing quickened.

"And even the teachers treat you like-" The mention of teachers was the word that pushed me over the edge. I still hadn't told the girls that I was being sent on this expedition to a mansion this weekend and the thought of it made me freeze in pure fear.

"I SAID STOP IT!" I yelled. Sophie's bowl of soup cracked as though brittle like rotting wood. Its green contents spilt all over the table and onto the girl's laps. Around our table, whispers erupted about what I had said and what had happened to the bowl of soup. I couldn't take it anymore. Standing, I muttered an apology to the girls, swung my bag over my shoulder and dashed off towards the dorm room.

Tara's spell had worn off long ago, I felt it wane after a week but I had managed to gain control of my thoughts up until now. My head was in complete disarray with thoughts, emotions and images of what I had done.

"I need to get this crap sorted," I told myself. My hand was hovering over the door handle. I was in two minds whether to go in and break down crying, or actually finally doing something about this. If I was still this upset with Fraya, hell knows what I would be like this weekend confronting demons. Withdrawing my hand I finally made a decision. I needed treatment from Nurse Ackerley.

"Miss Hobbs," she opened the door and stared at me with instead orange eyes. "Are you not feeling well, dear?" She let me inside and closed the door behind me. "You do look rather pale."

"I er, I suffer from anxiety. Tense situations, being put on the spot, I um, it freaks me out and I had I think a magical outburst because of it."

She frowned. "A magical outburst?" She gestured a chair for me to sit on. It was hard backed and uncomfortable. I wish I knew how to conjure one with a plush seat underneath.

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