Chapter 1:Taylor

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A/N I do not own the Originals. I may add some things and may or may not follow the story line fully. The picture is Erika Linder and I do not own any of her pictures that im useing for this book. The story will be written in first person aswell as third person on some parts.

Lies are known to destroy families,years of friendship could crumble with a single fib yet people hold on to hope that family and friends lasted a lifetime. I learned the hard way that, that was not the case. Family may be blood but that didn't mean they couldnt hurt you or destroy your whole view on life.

The easiest way to save yourself from such heartache and betrayal is to trust no one and expect nothing for free. Especially in a city like New Orleans that is filled with so much hatred and built on lies.

Somehow I ended right in the middle of everything. Somehow the humans,witch's, wolves and vampires cared for me as if I was one of there own.

Maybe it was how I spoke or the fact that each fraction had a part in my up bringing.

The vampires taught me how to fight. Witches taught me their history. The wolves taught me loyalty and what it meant to be apart of a pack and the humans taught her just how naive one could be towards others around them.

Because of this I knew every issue and how or why one fraction despised another. It was interesting how protective the other fractions are of me. They all hated that I spent time with another but couldn't do much to stop me considering how annoying I could become.

And this is how I knew Niklaus and Elijah Mikaelson showed up last night. The witches had obtained leverage named Haley who stupidly got knocked up by the hybrid that brought upon death everywhere he went. I knew the stories that circulated the originals. Marcel spoke about them a lot considering he was raised by them and even went as far as falling in love with one of them yet he stayed here and the originals didn't. i never knew why if his love for the blondie ran so deep.

I truly didn't care about Marcel reasons for leaving his family or the fact that the witches were plotting against him by using them. He somewhat deserved it and he knows it deep down inside.

Marcel took away the only thing that made them witches. without magic they were basically humans living together in a small community. Same with the wolves,they were now just wild animals with a human mindset that could get hunted by human hunters who didn't know any better.

I loved Marcel like family but I never liked how he ran things or how the witches sacrificed there own for power.

It didn't Matter how I felt for I was just a teenage child in all of there eyes. Unless my life wasn't in danger no one would act upon anything. I was just a kid who carried information and got into petty fights with locals who sometimes ended up dead for touching me. I hated this life but it is way better then when she lived with my blood family who hated me for no apparent reason other the fact I was unplanned and unwanted.

The names Taylor and as of now she is the eyes and ears of New Orleans.
Basically loved by all and hated by few

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