Winter sun

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White fell from gray as the sound of water splashing against the frozen surface of its river rang inaudibly.
Snowflakes broke under the pale of her bare feet in a comforting manner.
Alone she was walking in this, in white coated, wonderland, on her way to a destination unknown to her.
The sound of her steps got consumed by the snow and only the cracking of the icy cristals themselves was audible for one to hear.
Where she was walking an invisible path, there was a neverending winter ruling over the premises.
White innosence of the cold covering her way and ghost.
It took her another step before she stopped at the shore of the river, caged in ice.
Her milky eyes drifted off of the image in front of her and locked with the warmth of thee.
She was one, but with them, there were two.
Scarlet painted her lips as she smiled at them and for a moment, time was to freeze.
Her pale hand rose to catch a falling crystal, stuck in the break of time.
Her orbs of cold met the snowflake resting on her palm before her scarlet lips released a breath to send it to them as the last goodbye.
With that they heard a voice.
"You know you are my best friend, but my Winter has to pass."
Their eyes captured her falling frame.
"Until we meet again, please wait for me in Spring."
With the cracking of destruction of the river's surface they understood her pain was hard to swallow.
Her drowned shadow vanished from sight soon for her frame was led away to her freedom by the stream of the element she dropped into.
The warmth in their eyes bloomed as a tear of despair met the snowy grounds.
With sparkling reflection of the sun in water the Winter was gone and Spring was to come.
So they shall wait for their desired wish to become reality yet again.

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