Sober reality

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Can you see all those colors? No, of course not when you are sober. Not in this reality. I live when I am drugged with your lies. The sweetness of you cruelty. I do not crave for your love. I want your bite. Feel my nerves melting in ecstasy. My mind over the top, an explosion of chemicals. The acid burning away all senses. A dull light blinding me. The tingly pain of your rough kiss, sucking out what is left of my life. What is left of me. Coming down from this hight is like smacking onto cement with my face first. Please drug me again. Take me to wonderland. Blow my mind and break my body, until I've vanished into nothingness of what was meant to be my existence. I long for your lies. I want your intoxicating attention and destructive touch. Take me in completly. Get high with me. Don't leave me. Destroy me with your addictive language. Over and over again. Another sip of your sweet venom. Another pill of your poisonous chemicals. Overdose and I suddenly see it clear. Everyone is addicted to it. The dream. Everyone sacrifices themselves for that blissfull moment. That tiny second of escape, that keeps us alive. That is where I belong. Up high. In the clouds. Mind foggy from the overdose. Confusion once the effect loses intensity. Another sip. Another pill. Just once more, I beg you. Just once more, I promise.
I kept my promise. That last time ripped me into bits. The bloody poison.  Venom dripping from the corner of my cold, crimson lips, intoxicating my mind until my secret caught up with me. Now my dreams keep my very self locked away. The drug got the best of me, but I do not want it any other way.
Reality is sober. Reality is dull. Lies are a sweet drug. Until we overdose and die.
Please just once more.
Once again.

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