00 - The part that nobody reads because it's just info

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Hello there fellow Wattpad lovers!

I know that not even half of you will read this. In most books I don't read it either, so if you're just skipping this part you're forgiven, but I'll just tell you a few things so that you can better understand this... something that I made.

If you're way too lazy to read all of this boring stuff, then just read the parts that are underlined because those are the main things.

With that said...

I started writing this in September of 2017, meaning I'm way ahead in the story, so count with a new chapter every Friday until it's over. I'm not gonna set a specific time for it so I'll just... post it whenever I remember doing so. But always on a Friday.

The main reason for this, is that, because of almost reading a book a day and being so invested in this platform for such a long time, I know what it's like to have authors promising you that they'll update SOON to then last THREE MONTHS OR MORE TO UPDATE! Excluding the times when a book is never finished.

I'm not pointing any fingers of course but I know how much this sucks and I don't want this to be one of those sad and frustrating cases.

If by any chance I publish something on the other days of the week, then it won't be an actual chapter. It'll be like a Q & A, or a small announcement.

So now onto...

This is sort of related to order of bussiness number one.

Because I wasn't that used to writing in the beginning, the first chapters are not that good. And I'll explain why in detail.

Above everything, this was an experience to sort of writing a book. Teen fiction is not exactly my favorite book genre, but it is the easiest one to write and in my mind I thought that if I truly enjoyed writing this, then I would move on to creating worlds. In the end I'll tell you how it turned out.

So, due to not being that good at writing in the beginning the first chapters will seem a little cliché and too pushed in terms of storytelling. At least they do to me.

If you want my personal opinion, in chapter 13 things seem right for me. So make sure to wait for that.

There were also reasons considering age and other stuff that I do not want to share because of my own privacy and the ones that surround me.

Now that we got that covered, let's move on to...

I do not have social media besides Pinterest, WhatsApp, Messenger and Reddit. Yes I know, no Instagram and/or Twitter, shocker...

Truth is I think they're all pretty useless.

And because I'm neither about to give you my name in none of those or my phone number, if you do want to send me some sort of feedback or ask something, you can send me a message to my Wattpad account or to my e-mail: theoneandonlyowlface@gmail.com.

I can promise you I'll do my best to answer any question or saying what you think of the story. So if you wanna have a quick question answered or something of the sort, contact me via one of those options. Spoilers do not count.


Me, Myself and IWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt