26 - Turns out hell is not that bad

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"Ok, we're here." Adam says stopping the car.

"Finally. This constant smell of burgers you have in the back has left me extremely..." I replied taking off the headband when the sudden cloud of disappointment came over me. "... hungry."

I stood there, jaw opened as if I couldn't believe my eyes. Right in front of me was a big flat building with glass doors and a neon lights above them.

"Uhmmmm... Earth of Caroline!" Adam called waving his hand in front of my face as if to wake me up.

When I was finally able to sort of get myself back together, I looked at Adam deadly in the eye. "Adam Johnson, for how long have you known me?" I asked him.

"Four very weird months, why?" He replied sounding kind of scared.

"Do you consider knowing my tastes and what I like to do and all, then?"

"Yeah... sort of..."

"Then, why in the six infinity stones..." That was the exact moment when all of my range came up and I started acting like a mad woman. "...DID YOU BRING ME TO A SPORTS STORE?!"

Without noticing I was now grabbing him by the collar of his hoodie and pushing him against the door of his car making us about 5 inches from each other's face.

He looked at me blankly and started getting redder and redder, until he slowly reached out from the back seat and grabbed a plastic bag showing it to me.

"Burgers?" He said almost out of breath.

I looked at it and still outraged, released him, but still managed to grab the burger bag first.

I opened it and stared at it. Inside there were two burgers rapped in a paper with bright blue letters and each with a single letter written in black marker, a C and an A, and a small box of French fries.

"You went to Cup O'Joe?" I asked him surprised looking back at him.

"Yeah. Joe has the best burgers so, as I knew you'd be mad at me for bringing you here at first, I thought that at least you wouldn't slap me for bringing a burger instead of just a cheese sandwich." He responded smiling awkardly.

I glared at him for a while, looked back at the precious burgers in the bag and then back at him.

After that, I sighed grabbing a burger with the A and handing it out to him. "I'm still mad at you."

I took out the other burger and the French fries... and started devouring it in a very non-polite way.

What? I was hungry, I was mad at the person right next to me, I would have to pass an entire evening in a place that I hated with all my heart with the said person... and I didn't have Patty next to me telling me not to, so who cares about acting like the lady that I'm not?

I was almost about to finish the burger when I noticed that Adam was blankly staring at me only half way through his burger.

"What?" I asked giving another bite on the burger.

"Caroline, are you really that mad I brought you here?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

I looked at him. "Well, yeah. You know I hate sports or any physical exercise for the matter. So why literal hell out of all places? It's like me forcing you to go to a library." I response finishing my burger.

"Oh c'mon it's not that bad!" He said almost finishing his burger.. "You can do anything here! Run, try on stuff, play dodgeball on the hallways, skateboarding-"

"Die of heart exhaustion..." I murmured to myself midway through his speach.

With that, he stopped and looked at me with that usual annoying smirk of his while I just glared at him.

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