The Lost Coin and the Lost God

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"Either what woman having ten pieces of silver; if she loses one piece, doth not light a candle, and sweep the house, and seek diligently until she finds it?'

-Luke 15: 8



The woman in question did not hesitate to walk across the street, pushing past disgruntled mortals on her way to Lilith who stood, agitated herself, in front of Greendale's only tattoo shop. She worried her lips and Zelda, transfixed with the motion, took her time in addressing her queen, a slight blush across her cheeks.

"No disrespect my Queen but, what are you doing here?"

"We do not have time for those formalities, Zelda, we must go." Without explanation, Lilith pulled Zelda's arm, leading her to a back alley, secluded from prying eyes.

"We always seem to be in a rush together somewhere, to Hell to-?"

"The grounds," Lilith began with a smile of her own, "I'm unsure why I came here instead of my destination, I must've been distracted. But no matter, now that you're here, we might as well go together."

"Was I on your mind so much you came to me instead of your wanted destination?" The demoness licked her lips almost nervously.

"You seem to be on my mind a lot lately," The she spoke quickly. Then, as if thinking her sentence over, she added, "with our friendship, and all," Lilith's hands, strong and soft, held Zelda's. The High Priestess stared intently at their joined hands, enamored by the freckles that dotted the other woman's skin, stars against a smooth canvas.

"Zelda? Are you ready to go?"

"I'm ready."

They arrived at the part of the woods where Sabrina had opened up the gates of Hell during the apocalypse. Where Sabrina's parents gave her up to the Dark Lord. The place where Satan had fallen from grace, and where Lilith and him, had met, had loved, and where Lilith had lost it all for the second time.

All of it must've been running through her mind, she tensed, back to Zelda as she calculated every inch of the clearing. Zelda placed her hand gently on her back, Lilith's hand coming up to meet hers.

"We should get started," The demoness said, dismissive of the kind gesture, but she did not let go of Zelda's hand until they came upon the point of contact.

"What are we looking for?"

"My athame, if it is accessible to me that is. We will need it in order to defeat Lucifer."

"I wasn't aware that anything other than the Spear of Longinus could defeat him."

"Well I haven't a clue where that is and, well, I'm one of the first on this earth so I will coin that as out of the question," Her humor died out rather quickly upon the next sentence, "There was a point, probably my only point of sanity under Lucifer, where I realized how dangerous my entanglement was to him. At the height of my power, I created this athame in the event where I would have to kill him before he killed me. I came close a few times, but I never did what I should have done a long time ago. Eventually, the debate on my actions became to be too much, so I buried it at the nexus point, and tried to forget about its existence."

"But you couldn't, could you? Your power never slipped your mind." Lilith worried her lip again, a very attractive trait but Zelda could tell from the bruising on her bottom lip that it was a nervous, and frequent habit.

"Not for a second. Every day I yearned for my power, for my choice. It was a stupid and selfish thing of me to do to hide part of me away."

"But no matter," She continued, "it's time to start."

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